40 lines
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$LK+B-UL,"Core0 AdamTask",A="MN:KMain"$$CM-RE,LE=2$$LK+B-UL,"SrvCmdLine",A="MN:SrvCmdLine"$$CM-RE,LE=3$$LK+B-UL,"AP SethTask",A="MN:CoreAPSethTask"$$CM-RE,LE=7$$LK+B-UL,"UserCmdLine",A="MN:UserCmdLine"$
$WW,1$$LK,"CJob",A="MN:CJob"$ nodes are one of $LK,"five types",A="MN:JOBT_TEXT_INPUT"$. User applications deal with text or msgs. $LK,"JobRunOne",A="MN:JobRunOne"$() will call a function, spawn a task or execute some text src code.
#define JOBT_TEXT_INPUT 0 //$LK,"TaskText",A="MN:TaskText"$() Feed StdIn
#define JOBT_MSG 1 //$LK,"TaskMsg",A="MN:TaskMsg"$() Post msg
#define JOBT_EXE_STR 2 //$LK,"TaskExe",A="MN:TaskExe"$() Compile & execute src code text
#define JOBT_CALL 3 //$LK,"JobQue",A="MN:JobQue"$() Tell MP to call function
#define JOBT_SPAWN_TASK 4 //$LK,"Spawn",A="MN:Spawn"$() Tell MP to spawn task
Several $MA-X+PU,"other routines",LM="Find(\"JobsHndlr\",\"::/*\");View;"$ include a call to $LK,"JobsHndlr",A="MN:JobsHndlr"$() that gives them powerful ability to execute servant cmds.