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<a name="l1"></a><span class=cF5> Credits</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l2"></a>
<a name="l3"></a>I, </span><span class=cF2>Terry A. Davis</span><span class=cF0>, wrote all of TempleOS over the past 20.6 years (full-time).
<a name="l4"></a>It can run on some bare metal 64-bit PC's from about 2005-2010 with no layering,
<a name="l5"></a>libraries, tools, modules or anything from other sources. Otherwise, you run it
<a name="l6"></a>in a virtual machine, like </span><span class=cF2>VMware</span><span class=cF0>, </span><span class=cF2>QEMU</span><span class=cF0> or </span><span class=cF2>VirtualBox</span><span class=cF0>. It is independent and
<a name="l7"></a>stands alone. It has no networking, so it certainly doesn't call home. 100% of
<a name="l8"></a>the src code is including on all distro's, from the kernel to the compiler to
<a name="l9"></a>the boot loaders! It is public domain, not GPL.
<a name="l10"></a>
<a name="l11"></a>*) </span><a href="/Wb/Kernel/FontStd.HC.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>::/Kernel/FontStd.HC</span></a><span class=cF0>, is taken from </span><a href="http://www.freedos.org"><span class=cF4>FreeDOS</span></a><span class=cF0>. It's public domain.
<a name="l12"></a>
<a name="l13"></a>*) </span><a href="/Wb/Kernel/FontCyrillic.HC.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>::/Kernel/FontCyrillic.HC</span></a><span class=cF0>, is taken from </span><a href="http://www.orientdisplay.com/images/cyrillic-Russian-fonts.gif"><span class=cF4>OrientDisplay</span></a><span class=cF0> without permission.
<a name="l14"></a>
<a name="l15"></a>*) </span><a href="/Wb/Kernel/KernelA.HH.HTML#l2269"><span class=cF4>ATA Reg and Cmd Definitions</span></a><span class=cF0> are originally from Linux. Later, I got the
<a name="l16"></a>spec.
<a name="l17"></a>
<a name="l18"></a>*) The heap algorithm, </span><a href="/Wb/Kernel/Mem/MAllocFree.HC.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>::/Kernel/Mem/MAllocFree.HC</span></a><span class=cF0>, is adapted from one I saw at
<a name="l19"></a>Ticketmaster when I worked on their VAX operating system.
<a name="l20"></a>
<a name="l21"></a>*) The LZW compression algorithm, </span><a href="/Wb/Kernel/Compress.HC.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>::/Kernel/Compress.HC</span></a><span class=cF0>, came from a magazine
<a name="l22"></a>and I implemented it when I worked for Ticketmaster.
<a name="l23"></a>
<a name="l24"></a>*) The adaptive-step-size-Runge-Kutta algorithm, </span><a href="/Wb/Adam/AMathODE.HC.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>::/Adam/AMathODE.HC</span></a><span class=cF0>, is adapted
<a name="l25"></a>from the book, <u>Numeric Recipies in C</u>.
<a name="l26"></a>
<a name="l27"></a>*) The mountain in some games is from </span><a href="http://www.public-domain-photos.com"><span class=cF4>http://www.public-domain-photos.com</span></a><span class=cF0>. The
<a name="l28"></a>wolf in BlackDiamond is also from there. I took watermarked photos and
<a name="l29"></a>converted to 16 color.
<a name="l30"></a>
<a name="l31"></a>*) The </span><span class=cF2>FAT32</span><span class=cF0> file system is owned by MicroSoft.
<a name="l32"></a>
<a name="l33"></a>*) A few features were inspired by </span><span class=cF2>MATLAB</span><span class=cF0>, such as </span><span class=cF2>ans</span><span class=cF0> in expressions at the
<a name="l34"></a>command-line. There is a lot of </span><span class=cF2>MSDOS</span><span class=cF0> , </span><span class=cF2>Windows</span><span class=cF0>, </span><span class=cF2>VAXTMOS</span><span class=cF0> (VAX Ticketmaster
<a name="l35"></a>O.S.) and </span><span class=cF2>Unix</span><span class=cF0> inspiration, too, such as drive letters, command names, etc.
<a name="l36"></a>
<a name="l37"></a>*) I included </span><a href="http://www.pcidatabase.com/reports.php?type=tab-delimeted"><span class=cF4>PCIDevice Lst File</span></a><span class=cF0>.
<a name="l38"></a>
<a name="l39"></a>*) Thanks to whoever wrote this </span><a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20100325153025/http://home.scarlet.be/zoetrope/cpphtml.htm"><span class=cF4>CppHtml.HC.Z</span></a><span class=cF0>. I'm a novice on web stuff and you
<a name="l40"></a>helped me with html. See </span><a href="/Wb/Demo/ToHtmlToTXTDemo/ToHtml.HC.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>::/Demo/ToHtmlToTXTDemo/ToHtml.HC</span></a><span class=cF0>.
<a name="l41"></a>
<a name="l42"></a>*) I looked at bootable CD boot sects, but didn't learn anything, finding it
<a name="l43"></a>easier to make my own.
<a name="l44"></a>
<a name="l45"></a>*) I think I got my original PC speaker code from </span><span class=cF2>Borland C</span><span class=cF0>.
<a name="l46"></a>
<a name="l47"></a>*) I found PS/2 keyboard and mouse code on the net and documentation. My code
<a name="l48"></a>is very different. I found VGA reg info on the net.
<a name="l49"></a>
<a name="l50"></a>*) Thanks to </span><a href="http://www.osdev.org"><span class=cF4>http://www.osdev.org</span></a><span class=cF0> for a couple tips.
<a name="l51"></a>
<a name="l52"></a>*) God told me to stick with 640x480 16 color and single-voice 8-bit signed
<a name="l53"></a>MIDI-like sample for sound. He kept me from zombie-walking into making child
<a name="l54"></a>windows like </span><span class=cF2>Windows</span><span class=cF0>. Instead, I made one window per task with no child
<a name="l55"></a>windows. He also guided my progress, very obviously.
<a name="l56"></a>
<a name="l57"></a>*) I got </span><a href="http://www.templeos.org/files/DICTIONARY.DD"><span class=cF4>Webster's Dictionary</span></a><span class=cF0> and </span><a href="/Wb/Misc/Bible.TXT.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>The King James Bible</span></a><span class=cF0> from </span><a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20110730111436/http://promo.net/pg/"><span class=cF4>Project Gutenberg</span></a><span class=cF0>.
<a name="l58"></a>
<a name="l59"></a>*) John Carmack inspired me to use &quot;</span><a href="/Wb/Kernel/KMathB.HC.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>Clamp</span></a><span class=cF0>&quot; as a name instead of &quot;Limit&quot;. He
<a name="l60"></a>inspired me to use &quot;needle&quot; and &quot;haystack&quot; as names. He inspired me to simplify
<a name="l61"></a>my Frames-Per-Second code.
<a name="l62"></a>
<a name="l63"></a>*) Bill Gates inspired me to add comments to my </span><a href="/Wb/Doc/HelpIndex.DD.HTML#l1"><span class=cF4>Help &amp; Index</span></a><span class=cF0>.
<a name="l64"></a>
<a name="l65"></a>*) I hired an artist, Cody Rigby, for $3,000 worth of pixel art.
<a name="l66"></a>
<a name="l67"></a>*) Erik van der Karbargenbok wrote /Downloads shell scripts -- gw.
<a name="l68"></a>
<a name="l69"></a>*) The random number generator is from Donald Knuth in the wikipedia entry for
<a name="l70"></a></span><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator"><span class=cF0>Linear_congruential_generator</span></a><span class=cF0>.
<a name="l71"></a>
<a name="l72"></a></span><span class=cF8>
<a name="l73"></a>* &quot;MSDOS&quot;, &quot;Windows&quot;, &quot;MovieMaker&quot;, &quot;MS Paint&quot; and &quot;FAT32&quot; are trademarks owned
<a name="l74"></a>by MicroSoft Corp.
<a name="l75"></a>* &quot;SiteBuilder&quot; is a trademark owned by Yahoo! Inc.
<a name="l76"></a>* &quot;MagicISO&quot; is a trademark owned by MagicISO Corp.
<a name="l77"></a>* &quot;MATLAB&quot; is a trademark owned by The Math Works, Inc.
<a name="l78"></a>* &quot;</span><a href="http://www.freedos.org"><span class=cF8>FreeDOS</span></a><span class=cF8>&quot; is a trademark owned by Jim Hall.
<a name="l79"></a>* &quot;QEMU&quot; is a trademark owned by Fabrice Bellard.
<a name="l80"></a>* &quot;VAX&quot; is a trademark owned by Digital Equipment Corp.
<a name="l81"></a>* &quot;Linux&quot; is a trademark owned by Linus Torvalds.
<a name="l82"></a>* &quot;VAXTMOS&quot; is a trademark owned by Ticketmaster.
<a name="l83"></a></span></pre></body>