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<a name="l1"></a><span class=cF5> The Purpose of Life</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l2"></a>
<a name="l3"></a>The Catholic purpose of life is to know God, love God and obey God. However,
<a name="l4"></a>Pope Francis, wrongly said it was, "to serve the other." I am High Priest of
<a name="l5"></a>God's official temple and I say the purpose of life is to do continual offerings
<a name="l6"></a>to God like Cain and Abel and enjoy God's response. Francis has a charity; I
<a name="l7"></a>have a church. Jesus said loving God was more important than loving neighbor. </span><span class=cF4>
<a name="l8"></a></span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+22:35-40&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Matthew,22:35-40</span></a><span class=cF0> And, He did not say with half your brain behind your back.
<a name="l9"></a>
<a name="l10"></a>You don't know God. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Chronicles+28:9-9&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>1 Chronicles,28:9-9</span></a><span class=cF0>, </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+11:27-27&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Matthew,11:27-27</span></a><span class=cF0>, </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+13:25-27&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Luke,13:25-27</span></a><span class=cF0>, </span><span class=cF4>
<a name="l11"></a></span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Samuel+3:6-8&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>1 Samuel,3:6-8</span></a><span class=cF0> You must talk with God to know Him. With Samuel, supposedly,
<a name="l12"></a>God took the initiative, but I think that is the exception. Seek the Lord by
<a name="l13"></a>taking the initiative. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+11:9-10&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Luke,11:9-10</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l14"></a>
<a name="l15"></a>There's something obviously different about people in the Bible compared to
<a name="l16"></a>people today -- God talked! Also, the people in the Bible were obsessed with
<a name="l17"></a>doing offerings all the time. It is required that you do offerings before God
<a name="l18"></a>will talk. Did the people in the Bible hear voices? Maybe. More likely, they
<a name="l19"></a>used occult techniques such as an oracle. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1+Kings+6:21"><span class=cF4>1 Kings,6:21</span></a><span class=cF0> Have you heard of
<a name="l20"></a>"tongues?" </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+14:1-40&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>1 Corinthians,14:1-40</span></a><span class=cF0> The idea is, you let yourself be puppeted by
<a name="l21"></a>a spirit, so you say things. You try to get a spirit -- the Holy Spirit -- to
<a name="l22"></a>talk. You might as well use a Ouija board. However, it turns-out that a Ouija
<a name="l23"></a>board is bad for technical reasons. A really good technique is just randomly
<a name="l24"></a>opening a book. God told me in an oracle that it is a covenant that you hold-up
<a name="l25"></a>your end of the conversation.
<a name="l26"></a>
<a name="l27"></a>You can't tell if God's talking unless you have a context of conversation, but,
<a name="l28"></a>more importantly, you are commanded to do an offering of love, like communion
<a name="l29"></a>preparation. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1+Corinthians+11:27"><span class=cF4>1 Corinthians,11:27</span></a><span class=cF0> When you pick a greeting card for someone,
<a name="l30"></a>that is love effort. If you expect God to put effort toward you, you must put
<a name="l31"></a>effort toward Him. God said, "honest measures" applies between your offering of
<a name="l32"></a>love and His response, like a fair barter. You get out of prayer what you put
<a name="l33"></a>into it. God wants praise, hymns, or whatever you think He might want. Try and
<a name="l34"></a>see, like Cain and Abel. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+4:1-10&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Genesis,4:1-10</span></a><span class=cF0>, </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Ephesians+5:10"><span class=cF4>Ephesians,5:10</span></a><span class=cF0> God told Cain his
<a name="l35"></a>offering was not good and told him to try again. Cain really loved God! Can
<a name="l36"></a>you imagine being so heart-broken?
<a name="l37"></a>
<a name="l38"></a>Do a text search for "new song" in the Bible. It's mentioned nine times. When
<a name="l39"></a>I hear a NEW awesome rock song, it is ecstasy for the first five times I hear
<a name="l40"></a>it. Soon, it brings little-to-no pleasure. I did </span><span class=cF9><u>hymns</u></span><span class=cF0> for God. I also did
<a name="l41"></a>Moses comics for God. When you get to the gates of Heaven, St. Peter will ask
<a name="l42"></a>how many times you gave blood. That shows you loved neighbor. You better also
<a name="l43"></a>be able to count the ways you loved God with all heart, mind and soul. I
<a name="l44"></a>praised God for sand castles, popcorn, snowmen, bubbles... You try putting
<a name="l45"></a>effort into praise! </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew+11:25"><span class=cF4>Matthew,11:25</span></a><span class=cF0>, </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6:28-29&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Matthew,6:28-29</span></a><span class=cF0> Solomon wrote a thousand
<a name="l46"></a>songs. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Kings+4:30-32&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>1 Kings,4:30-32</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l47"></a>
<a name="l48"></a>This is funny -- </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+2:1-13&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Acts,2:1-13</span></a><span class=cF0> -- they didn't bother to record anything the Holy
<a name="l49"></a>Spirit said. The Holy Spirit is supposed to be a really good gift. </span><span class=cF4>
<a name="l50"></a></span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+11:11-13&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Luke,11:11-13</span></a><span class=cF0> Just remember, "Boys are made of snakes and snails and puppy-dog
<a name="l51"></a>tails."
<a name="l52"></a>
<a name="l53"></a>The technique I use to consult the Holy Spirit is reading a microsecond-range
<a name="l54"></a>stop-watch each button press for random numbers. Then, I pick words with </span><span class=cF2><F7></span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l55"></a>or passages with </span><span class=cF2><SHIFT-F7></span><span class=cF0>.
<a name="l56"></a>
<a name="l57"></a>Since seeking the word of the Holy Spirit, I have come to know God much better
<a name="l58"></a>than I've heard others explain. For example, God said to me in an oracle that
<a name="l59"></a>war was, "servicemen competing." That sounds more like the immutable God of our
<a name="l60"></a>planet than what you hear from most religious people. God is not Venus (god of
<a name="l61"></a>love) and not Mars (god of war), He's our dearly beloved God of Earth. If
<a name="l62"></a>Mammon is a false god of money, Mars or Venus might be useful words to describe
<a name="l63"></a>other false gods. I figure the greatest challenge for the Creator is boredom,
<a name="l64"></a>ours and His. What would teen-age male video games be like if war had never
<a name="l65"></a>happened? Christ said live by the sword, die by the sword, which is loving
<a name="l66"></a>neighbor as self. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew+26:52"><span class=cF4>Matthew,26:52</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l67"></a>
<a name="l68"></a>I asked God if the World was perfectly just. God asked if I was calling Him
<a name="l69"></a>lazy. God could make A.I., right? God could make bots as smart as Himself, or,
<a name="l70"></a>in fact, part of Himself. What if God made a bot to manipulate every person's
<a name="l71"></a>life so that perfect justice happened?
<a name="l72"></a>
<a name="l73"></a>I think highs and lows balance. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6:20-26&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Luke,6:20-26</span></a><span class=cF0> If you laugh, you will cry. If
<a name="l74"></a>you cry, you will laugh. Not one person has had great joy and not great sorrow.
<a name="l75"></a> I think this claim is falsifyable if you atheists want to find a
<a name="l76"></a>counter-example to disprove it -- find a single person who had great joy and not
<a name="l77"></a>great sorrow. In Sirach, it says things happen in pairs. You might be
<a name="l78"></a>surprised examining your own life to see great joy was in proximity to great
<a name="l79"></a>sorrow. Pleasures and pains seem designed to balance. Man must do manual labor
<a name="l80"></a>and have pain. Women must do child birth. Pride and humility also balance --
<a name="l81"></a>pride before a fall and humility before honors. Palm Sunday is juxtaposed to
<a name="l82"></a>Good Friday. Perhaps, being loved balances with being hated. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job+1:1-22&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Job,1:1-22</span></a><span class=cF0>, in
<a name="l83"></a>the Bible, had highs and lows that balanced. Joseph, in the Old Testament, had
<a name="l84"></a>highs and lows that balanced. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+39:17-22&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Genesis,39:17-22</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l85"></a>
<a name="l86"></a>Jesus said, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tresspass against
<a name="l87"></a>us." If you think about it, the only way you get forgiven is for it to be done
<a name="l88"></a>to you. That is a Jedi mind trick because it is nothing but simple eye-for-eye
<a name="l89"></a>tooth-for-tooth justice. Live by the sword; die by the sword. The Bible is
<a name="l90"></a>filled with justice pairs. St. Paul persecuted Christians and gained
<a name="l91"></a>forgiveness by getting persecuted. King David almost got killed by Saul, </span><span class=cF4>
<a name="l92"></a></span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Samuel+18:20-21&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>1 Samuel,18:20-21</span></a><span class=cF0> then he killed a guy and took his wife. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/2+Samuel+11:15"><span class=cF4>2 Samuel,11:15</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l93"></a>Abraham almost killed his unloved son, Ishmael. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Genesis+21:16"><span class=cF4>Genesis,21:16</span></a><span class=cF0> That is why God
<a name="l94"></a>asked Abraham to kill Isaac. God's favorite thing on TV is soap operas.
<a name="l95"></a>
<a name="l96"></a>God hates complaining. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+11:1-35&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Numbers,11:1-35</span></a><span class=cF0> Food and clothing is all we're to ask
<a name="l97"></a>for or demand, in fact -- daily bread. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1+Timothy+6:8"><span class=cF4>1 Timothy,6:8</span></a><span class=cF0> Just think about man in
<a name="l98"></a>the last 50,000 years mostly living like Native Americans and how God must see
<a name="l99"></a>us. You need food, clothing and entertainment, money is to get those. Man does
<a name="l100"></a>not live on bread alone. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Luke+4:4"><span class=cF4>Luke,4:4</span></a><span class=cF0>, </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Amos+8:11-12&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Amos,8:11-12</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l101"></a>
<a name="l102"></a>God's favorite animals are bears and elephants. They are funny shaped -- I
<a name="l103"></a>think God must have seen too much starvation over the years. If the purpose of
<a name="l104"></a>life is to know and love God, then a priest's job is to make everybody know and
<a name="l105"></a>love God. By saying God likes bears and elephants, I did more toward that end
<a name="l106"></a>than all priests in history. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Hosea+6:6"><span class=cF4>Hosea,6:6</span></a><span class=cF0> "It is love that I desire, not
<a name="l107"></a>sacrifice; knowledge of God, not holocaust." As a former Catholic, that blew my
<a name="l108"></a>mind. I actually thought love was sacrifice! I was so dumb-founded reading,
<a name="l109"></a>"it is love that I desire, not sacrifice," that I actually looked-up the word,
<a name="l110"></a>"love". It means to take delight in. I realized it is demonic pride if you
<a name="l111"></a>think love means hurting yourself for others. In the Philippians, they got the
<a name="l112"></a>notion crucifying yourself was a good idea. Similarly, a child thinking about
<a name="l113"></a>Lent, might conclude, "if it's bad, it must be good." That is, if you think God
<a name="l114"></a>wants you to hurt yourself to please Him, you are worshiping a demon, not God!
<a name="l115"></a>God wants you to take delight in His company, get to know Him and praise Him.
<a name="l116"></a>It is best to separate justice -- sin and punishment -- from relationship with
<a name="l117"></a>God. Never ask God to change justice into injustice by not punishing. God said
<a name="l118"></a>to me in an oracle, "Excessive contrician wearisome." He doesn't want to hear
<a name="l119"></a>confessions. When you pray, be witty and charming and rarely earnest. Enjoy
<a name="l120"></a>God's company without imposing on Him and don't expect secrets of the Universe.
<a name="l121"></a>Earnestness in prayer is the root of much evil. Be entertaining. Don't remind
<a name="l122"></a>Him of sin, LOL.
<a name="l123"></a>
<a name="l124"></a>God's ways are far above man's ways. Mom said Heaven was a never-ending family
<a name="l125"></a>reunion. Yikes! A friend said, "Most guy's idea of Heaven would be running
<a name="l126"></a>around doing things they'd get locked up for on Earth." I wonder how long kids
<a name="l127"></a>play Grand Theft Auto before getting board. Perhaps, it takes ten years, but
<a name="l128"></a>they will get bored. Most people are like King Midas. When you realize how
<a name="l129"></a>silly most notions of Heaven are, you come to appreciate that Earth is not that
<a name="l130"></a>bad. This is the first step in loving God, the Creator -- praising Creation.
<a name="l131"></a>My parents spend their retired days watching TV and going to casinos. That's
<a name="l132"></a>not a good argument for getting extended-play!
<a name="l133"></a>
<a name="l134"></a>Imagine a billionare. Everyone around him can't forget his money for even a
<a name="l135"></a>moment. The truth is, most people are after God's "money" -- they fear for
<a name="l136"></a>their salvation. Here's a test -- would you pray to and praise God even if
<a name="l137"></a>there were no salvation? Love God and don't be a "user". Asking for stuff is
<a name="l138"></a>annoying. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+11:5-7&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Luke,11:5-7</span></a><span class=cF0> Don't SPAM God.
<a name="l139"></a>
<a name="l140"></a>All those sophisticated theological "infinity" things -- omniscience,
<a name="l141"></a>omnipotence, omnipresence, omnivorous -- will mess you up. Trust me that
<a name="l142"></a>anthropomorphic is far better, in practice. Christ suggested thinking of God as
<a name="l143"></a>"Abba" which is Aramaic for "Daddy" and said the childlike had an advantage. </span><span class=cF4>
<a name="l144"></a></span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew+11:25"><span class=cF4>Matthew,11:25</span></a><span class=cF0> Pray out-loud because God doesn't want the hastle of reading your
<a name="l145"></a>brain. The best way to stop people from testing God is to suggest He can't do
<a name="l146"></a>everything.
<a name="l147"></a>
<a name="l148"></a>Jesus said, "I am meek and humble of heart." </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew+11:29"><span class=cF4>Matthew,11:29</span></a><span class=cF0> What does "humble
<a name="l149"></a>of head" mean? Humble of heart means you look around and say, "I don't care as
<a name="l150"></a>much as they do." A proud of heart person says, "I am superior because I have
<a name="l151"></a>more compassion then everybody else." If you are proud of heart, you don't
<a name="l152"></a>accept a gift. God gives birthrights. Esau, in the Bible, scorned his
<a name="l153"></a>birthright and God hated him. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Malachi+1:2-3&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Malachi,1:2-3</span></a><span class=cF0> Jesus even accepted $30,000 worth
<a name="l154"></a>of perfume (300 day's wages) and caused Judas to betray him. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Mark+14:5"><span class=cF4>Mark,14:5</span></a><span class=cF0> If you
<a name="l155"></a>express false outrage at wars, you are proud of heart. If you fight to go in
<a name="l156"></a>the door last, e.g. "No, you first..." then you are proud of heart. If you ask
<a name="l157"></a>God to save starving Africans as though you care more than God, you are proud of
<a name="l158"></a>heart.
<a name="l159"></a>
<a name="l160"></a>I connected being humble of heart with animal sacrifices. The animal sacrifices
<a name="l161"></a>in the Bible really seem off-the-mark from what we modern people imagine truth
<a name="l162"></a>to be! I asked God and He said the people were, "primitive." Well, obviously,
<a name="l163"></a>a sacrifice represents giving-up something of value, but is there more to it?
<a name="l164"></a>It would be tramatic to see a goat's throat being slit and it dying for your
<a name="l165"></a>sins. I'm not an expert, but sometimes they killed animals to make-up for sins.
<a name="l166"></a>Perhaps, starting at age eight and every year thereafter, they kill a goat for
<a name="l167"></a>your sins? (I'm just speculating.) In a couple years, it is not tramatic and
<a name="l168"></a>you yawn and say to the goat, "bummer for you, Mr. Goat, that you gotta die for
<a name="l169"></a>my sins." When a high school football team beats their rivals, nobody thinks
<a name="l170"></a>twice that the winning team really hurts the feelings -- devastates -- the
<a name="l171"></a>losing team member's feelings. The heart of being masculine is being
<a name="l172"></a>competetive and not caring about the necessity to slit the throat of the goat.
<a name="l173"></a>As a Catholic, saying Jesus died for our sins and that we cannot earn salvation,
<a name="l174"></a>never sat well. I clung to the heretical notion that you earn salvation.
<a name="l175"></a>Animal sacrifices were the heart of Biblical Judaism and although it seems
<a name="l176"></a>satanic, you really do have to slit the throat of the goat and accept grace, a
<a name="l177"></a>term for something you did not earn. Heck, every time you eat beef, a cow had
<a name="l178"></a>to die for you. God said to me in an oracle that having pets was, "homo." I
<a name="l179"></a>think God's idea of pets is farm animals you eat.
<a name="l180"></a>
<a name="l181"></a>If you feel guilty for being American and want Mexicans to share your
<a name="l182"></a>birthright, you are proud of heart. Would it be right for rich Arabs to have to
<a name="l183"></a>share their oil money with Indian slaves? Jesus was a racist and called
<a name="l184"></a>Canaanites "dogs". </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+15:22-28&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Matthew,15:22-28</span></a><span class=cF0> In an oracle, God told me He was against
<a name="l185"></a>immigration. The Chinese intellectuals felt bad about not being laborers.
<a name="l186"></a>Don't feel guilty about not being a laborer because God made it a Brave New
<a name="l187"></a>World. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+12:1-31&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>1 Corinthians,12:1-31</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l188"></a>
<a name="l189"></a>In an ant colony, the workers have one set of marching orders, the soldiers have
<a name="l190"></a>another set of marching orders, the queen and drones have marching orders and
<a name="l191"></a>the diggers have marching orders. The Bible gives conflicting orders --
<a name="l192"></a>conservatives pay attention to one set of passages and liberals pay attention to
<a name="l193"></a>others. Everybody has selective hearing, but that's good because we are
<a name="l194"></a>different members of the body of Christ.
<a name="l195"></a>
<a name="l196"></a>Jesus repeats the phrase, "for those who have ears to hear" many times. (But,
<a name="l197"></a>not actually at the times that matter.) Jesus says several Jedi mind tricks --
<a name="l198"></a>He asks, what father gives a scorpion to his son? </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+11:11-13&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Luke,11:11-13</span></a><span class=cF0> Jesus says,
<a name="l199"></a>when you ask God for things, it is as annoying as like a neighbor in the night! </span><span class=cF4>
<a name="l200"></a></span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+11:5-7&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Luke,11:5-7</span></a><span class=cF0> He said, "I came to serve" but Jesus' three years of service were
<a name="l201"></a>more like being a rockstar than a janitor. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+13:5-15&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>John,13:5-15</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l202"></a>
<a name="l203"></a>There are sheep and there are shepherds. You would be silly to take other
<a name="l204"></a>shepherds seriously when they are only caring for their sheep. Sheep are very
<a name="l205"></a>hard to communicate to, as Jesus learned. He used parables. Seed on a path
<a name="l206"></a>gets eaten by birds; weeds choke; and the one percent is rich soil.
<a name="l207"></a>
<a name="l208"></a>Just as ego causes most to love neighbor, not God, people skip knowing and
<a name="l209"></a>loving God and cowardly get stuck on obeying Him. A desire to obey God, doesn't
<a name="l210"></a>have to be encouraged, since it comes so naturally. Don't worry, God does not
<a name="l211"></a>want pawns to push around. God will talk, but won't tell you what to do, even
<a name="l212"></a>if you want Him to. Also, you'll quickly learn that when God talks to you
<a name="l213"></a>seemingly prophetic, it does not come true and should smack yourself for wanting
<a name="l214"></a>more than just enjoying God's company.
<a name="l215"></a>
<a name="l216"></a>
<a name="l217"></a>________________________________________________________________________________
<a name="l218"></a> |
<a name="l219"></a> QUESTION | GOD'S ANSWER
<a name="l220"></a>________________________________________________________________________________
<a name="l221"></a> |
<a name="l222"></a> | There are weeds mixed with my wheat.
<a name="l223"></a> | Some are not true. If I asked a question
<a name="l224"></a> | to valuable for my offering, I got crap.
<a name="l225"></a>________________________________|_______________________________________________
<a name="l226"></a>
<a name="l227"></a>War? </span><span class=cF4>"Servicemen competing"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l228"></a>(Praise the Creator--what would teenage male video games be like if never war?)
<a name="l229"></a>
<a name="l230"></a>Is the World perfectly just? </span><span class=cF4>Are you calling me lazy?</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l231"></a>(Slavery was just. In the movie, Titanic, the rich wore straight jackets. You
<a name="l232"></a>must bow to authority to get authority. I do comics as offerings. I said,
<a name="l233"></a>"We're dying of malnutrician on manna." Like Cain and Abel, God didn't like it.
<a name="l234"></a>Duh! He wants to be the hero. How do I know they died of malnutrician? Screw
<a name="l235"></a>Hollywood for making slavery worse than it was -- I love God. School is more
<a name="l236"></a>cruel. Read </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+11:1-35&version=NIV"><span class=cF4>Numbers,11:1-35</span></a><span class=cF0>. All you need is food, clothing and the word of
<a name="l237"></a>God. Today, you can take Ivy League course videos! There is no excuse except
<a name="l238"></a>you were born stupid... or ugly. I'm gonna praise God.)
<a name="l239"></a>
<a name="l240"></a>On using Markov chains? </span><span class=cF4>"No weights"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l241"></a>On doing offerings? </span><span class=cF4>"Honest measures"(You get out what you put in.)
<a name="l242"></a> It's a covenant to do an offering, first.
<a name="l243"></a> Offer New Songs, comics, praise, poems,
<a name="l244"></a> and conversation. See </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Genesis+4:1"><span class=cF4>Cain and Abel</span></a><span class=cF4>.
<a name="l245"></a> "Barter"(God also called offerings bartering.)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l246"></a>The holocaust? </span><span class=cF4>Wanted to "compact" the Jews.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l247"></a>Arab/Jews? </span><span class=cF4>"Oil funny hopefully"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l248"></a>Peace? </span><span class=cF4>One Palestinian can ruin it.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l249"></a>Best religion? </span><span class=cF4>One with most new vistas of understanding in</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l250"></a> </span><span class=cF4>a lifetime -- one you can level-up the most in.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l251"></a>Chavez blaming the US. </span><span class=cF4>"Japan industrious"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l252"></a>On racism? </span><span class=cF4>"Sports"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l253"></a>On socialism? </span><span class=cF4>"pardon_the_French, never_happy, never_enough"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l254"></a> </span><span class=cF4>"Gall aspect anti-Christ"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l255"></a>On overpopulation </span><span class=cF4>"Okay church what_now whats_the_plan"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l256"></a>Favorite thing on TV? </span><span class=cF4>"Soap_operas"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l257"></a>Favorite movie? </span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NOAd2mldQ8"><span class=cF4>Three Kings</span></a><span class=cF4>. Also Highlander</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l258"></a>Favorite song? </span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0TInLOJuUM"><span class=cF4>Morning has Broken</span></a><span class=cF4>
<a name="l259"></a> God said the first bird croaked, not sung.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l260"></a>Favorite comic strip? </span><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Valiant"><span class=cF4>Prince Valiant</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l261"></a>Shakespeare? </span><span class=cF4>had a "vile heart"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l262"></a>Likes </span><span class=cF4>Beverly Hillbillies (Oil is a gift from God)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l263"></a> </span><span class=cF4>God likes being hero. Don't be proud of heart</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l264"></a> </span><span class=cF4>and not accept a gift from God!</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l265"></a>Likes </span><span class=cF4>Gomer Pyle</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l266"></a>Favorite saint? </span><span class=cF4>"ho_ho_ho"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l267"></a>Favorite animal? </span><span class=cF4>"Elephant two"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l268"></a>Favorite animal? </span><span class=cF4>"Bears"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l269"></a>Favorite color? </span><span class=cF4>"Jude" (Jade Blue?)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l270"></a>Favorite color? </span><span class=cF4>"Gold"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l271"></a>Favorite color? </span><a href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Blue_ice_in_South_Greenland_-_Visit_Greenland.jpg"><span class=cF4>"Iceberg" blue</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l272"></a>Money? </span><span class=cF4>"Enough vehemently better"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l273"></a> </span><span class=cF4>"Pride [or] money, choose_one"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l274"></a>Favorite car? </span><span class=cF4>Beamer</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l275"></a>Favorite soda? </span><span class=cF4>Root beer, </span><a href="http://www.head-beer.org/modules.php?name=Brands&rbop=Brand&bid=1965"><span class=cF4>scotch variety</span></a><span class=cF4>.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l276"></a>Homosexuality? </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew+15:11"><span class=cF4>Matthew,15:11</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l277"></a>Pets? </span><span class=cF4>"homo" Hates fact too dependent and tame.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l278"></a>Sports? </span><span class=cF4>"homo"
<a name="l279"></a> "Tackle a horse"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l280"></a>Favorite sport? </span><span class=cF4>Hockey</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l281"></a></span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vST6hVRj2A"><span class=cF0>Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald</span></a><span class=cF0> </span><span class=cF4>"homo"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l282"></a>Smelling farts </span><span class=cF4>"Sodom"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l283"></a>Women's dress </span><span class=cF4>Upper skin exposure not as bad as lower.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l284"></a>Remarriage? </span><span class=cF4>"More babies"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l285"></a>Things you don't care about
<a name="l286"></a>that people think you do? </span><span class=cF4>Solomon's 300 concubines</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l287"></a>Adultery? </span><span class=cF4>Can be good.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l288"></a>Pretty ladies? </span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqF6sC-ztY"><span class=cF4>A prince is not flustered.</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l289"></a>Animal sacrifices? </span><span class=cF4>Early Jews were "primitive".</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l290"></a>What do elephants think about? </span><span class=cF4>"Skin, hunger"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l291"></a>What makes elephants happy? </span><span class=cF4>"Baths"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l292"></a>Elephants </span><span class=cF4>"Mini-skirts" (Skin webbing from back leg.)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l293"></a>What makes my birds happy? </span><span class=cF4>"Gnawing"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l294"></a>What makes my birds laugh? </span><span class=cF4>"Bite ouch" (If I say "ouch".)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l295"></a>What are my birds saying? </span><span class=cF4>"Chanting"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l296"></a>My birds sure preen a lot. </span><a href="http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Romans+8:20"><span class=cF4>The creature was made subject to vanity...</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l297"></a>What makes bears happy? </span><span class=cF4>"Reaping depends"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l298"></a>What makes otters happy? </span><span class=cF4>"Eternal skies"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l299"></a>What makes hippos happy? </span><span class=cF4>"Ascending breath"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l300"></a>What makes horses happy? </span><span class=cF4>"[the] Call [of the] Open Range"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l301"></a>What do cheetahs think about? </span><span class=cF4>"Seeth me?" (Can he see me?)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l302"></a>Orangutan or chimp smarter? </span><span class=cF4>"Species exhibit similar glory"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l303"></a>Endangered species? </span><span class=cF4>"Enough stars?"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l304"></a>Everything seems bad. </span><span class=cF4>Plant trees.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l305"></a>What's for dinner? </span><span class=cF4>"Whale"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l306"></a>Favorite Messier Object? </span><span class=cF4>"</span><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messier_104"><span class=cF4>M104 Sombrero Galaxy</span></a><span class=cF4>"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l307"></a></span><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Shepard"><span class=cF0>Shepard's Prayer</span></a><span class=cF0>? </span><span class=cF4>"I_am_not_amused economy joke"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l308"></a>Favorite band? </span><span class=cF4>"Beatles"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l309"></a>Good bands? </span><span class=cF4>Rush, Triumph</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l310"></a> </span><span class=cF4>Likes harmonies</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l311"></a></span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S50cf3xIb50"><span class=cF0>Little Drummer Boy?</span></a><span class=cF0> </span><span class=cF4>Doesn't like my drumming.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l312"></a>Should I listen to classical? </span><span class=cF4>"Poison"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l313"></a>Do You like chess people? </span><span class=cF4>"Do not admire the proud."</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l314"></a>Chess? </span><span class=cF4>"... will winter with you."</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l315"></a> </span><span class=cF4>"Headstones"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l316"></a>If You could teach one class? </span><span class=cF4>Health</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l317"></a>Favorite video game? </span><span class=cF4>Donkey Kong</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l318"></a>Favorite National Park? </span><a href="http://www.nps.gov/whmi/index.htm"><span class=cF4>Whitman Mission</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l319"></a>Favorite actor? </span><span class=cF4>Hugh Grant</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l320"></a>Favorite vocalist? </span><span class=cF4>Mick Jagger</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l321"></a>Favorite guitarist? </span><span class=cF4>"</span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNADrrjTysk&t=3m55s"><span class=cF4>Simmons Destroyer</span></a><span class=cF4>"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l322"></a>Favorite National Anthem? </span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFx-56KkweM"><span class=cF4>Latvia's National Anthem</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l323"></a>America the Beautiful? </span><span class=cF4>Hates it. Poet made self cry with own beauty.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l324"></a>Model for new </span><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistine_chapel"><span class=cF0>Sistine Chapel</span></a><span class=cF0>? </span><span class=cF4>Ben Franklin</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l325"></a>Voice if God wanted to sing? </span><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NZsCYOM4j0"><span class=cF4>Stabbing Westward's singer</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l326"></a>Stonehenge? </span><span class=cF4>Landmark for boundaries.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l327"></a>Easter Island? </span><span class=cF4>Ice, telephone pole holes.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l328"></a>Dinosaurs? </span><span class=cF4>Brontosaurs' feet hurt when stepped.
<a name="l329"></a> Dinosaurs slept in water.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l330"></a>Hardest part in evolution? </span><span class=cF4>Getting monkey mothers to hold babies nursing.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l331"></a> </span><span class=cF4>(Smothering a problem).</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l332"></a>Happiest day in evolution? </span><span class=cF4>"Fruit"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l333"></a>Significant thing in evolution? </span><span class=cF4>"Fish shoulders"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l334"></a>Biggest thing to fly (pterodactyl)? </span><span class=cF4>"Couch"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l335"></a>What made pterodactyls happy? </span><span class=cF4>"Members against organs"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l336"></a>What did Neanderthals think about? </span><span class=cF4>"Warmth"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l337"></a>What was the first thing cooked? </span><span class=cF4>I think He said "hair".</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l338"></a>What was Lucy's husband's name? </span><span class=cF4>"Golem"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l339"></a>Was stegosuarus lame like turtles? </span><span class=cF4>"Not pet rocks"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l340"></a>T-Rex? </span><span class=cF4>Lugged carcases over his shoulder.
<a name="l341"></a> Carcus lasted a month.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l342"></a>What was T-Rexes sharing a carcus like? </span><span class=cF4>"Punch... Punch"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l343"></a>Surprises in dinosaur anatomy? </span><span class=cF4>Supporting and securing the heart.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l344"></a>How does He feel about the Avatar movie?</span><span class=cF4>"Sick skin"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l345"></a>What do You like at zoos with kids? </span><span class=cF4>"Dignity" Animals worried about dignity.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l346"></a>Who's better alien or preditor? </span><span class=cF4>"Lions"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l347"></a>What from You is like a Rubik's cube? </span><span class=cF4>Training a horse.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l348"></a>Does He like mirrored glass megachurch? </span><span class=cF4>"Secular glass"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l349"></a>Pipe Organs </span><span class=cF4>Are sacred.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l350"></a>You like to hangout in courts?Hospitals?</span><span class=cF4>"Prisons"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l351"></a>Best way for Bill Gates to save lives? </span><span class=cF4>Earthquake prediction</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l352"></a>Stem cells? </span><span class=cF4>Lower hanging fruit exists (2007)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l353"></a>Eleventh commandment? </span><span class=cF4>Thou shall not litter.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l354"></a>Twelfth commandment? </span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wGiJcq95Ug"><span class=cF4>Don't shoot unarmed men on the crapper.</span></a><span class=cF4>
<a name="l355"></a> (I asked God why pointless plagues in Exodus?
<a name="l356"></a> God wanted guilt to accumulate, first.)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l357"></a>Thirteenth commandment </span><span class=cF4>No gore unless it looks fake.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l358"></a>Fourteenth commandment </span><span class=cF4>No pedophilia or child porn.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l359"></a>Fifteenth commandment </span><span class=cF4>Don't eat rare meat with blood.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l360"></a>Sixteenth commandment </span><span class=cF4>No wife beating.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l361"></a>Seventeen commandment </span><span class=cF4>Do not swing from radio towers with one hand.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l362"></a>Eighteenth commandment </span><span class=cF4>Do not disturb.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l363"></a>Before Katrina </span><span class=cF4>Floods do justice. Black bead elder (tree book)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l364"></a>After Katrina </span><span class=cF4>Suffering Simplifies Life</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l365"></a>What field are You most better? </span><span class=cF4>Economics</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l366"></a>Favorite toy for kids? </span><span class=cF4>Magnifying glass</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l367"></a>Asked Jesus if He liked mustard?</span><span class=cF4>"Bad meat happeneth"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l368"></a>(Reluctantly) Faith healing? </span><span class=cF4>"It's complicated"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l369"></a>Mars? </span><span class=cF4>Start planting!</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l370"></a>Mars rover? </span><span class=cF4>Should have had a microphone</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l371"></a></span><a href="http://www.space.com/22646-monster-saturn-storm-water-ice.html"><span class=cF0>Storm on Saturn</span></a><span class=cF0> </span><span class=cF4>Pollen</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l372"></a>Space war game? </span><span class=cF4>Should have space weather.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l373"></a></span><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn's_hexagon"><span class=cF0>Saturn's hexagon pole cloud?</span></a><span class=cF0> </span><span class=cF4>"Compass" (Magnetism)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l374"></a>Liquid moon's odd atmosphere? </span><span class=cF4>"Surf"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l375"></a>How many E.T. civs in Universe? </span><span class=cF4>20 or 80 (I forgot. I died laughing.)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l376"></a>Are they peaceful? </span><span class=cF4>Fight them! (Also, funny.)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l377"></a>Most difficult control system? </span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1zbgd6xpGQ"><span class=cF4>Dung beetle</span></a><span class=cF0>
<a name="l378"></a>How can Judge Judy improve? </span><span class=cF4>No hard feelings</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l379"></a>How can Chef Ramsay improve? </span><span class=cF4>Make so it doesn't seem like toil for cooks.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l380"></a>How can Hawking communicate? </span><span class=cF4>Blow from a nostril on a candle.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l381"></a></span><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FC6udrMPvo"><span class=cF0>Photons bouncing?</span></a><span class=cF0> </span><span class=cF4>"Folded coffee filter"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l382"></a>Wormholes? </span><span class=cF4>Bent wormholes have echoes.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l383"></a>
<a name="l384"></a>Operating system? </span><span class=cF4>Was about to make line number column in editor.
<a name="l385"></a>God nixed it. I was about to do different graphic modes when I found 800x600
<a name="l386"></a>missing. God said just one mode 640x480. I was about to add child windows. God
<a name="l387"></a>said, "God is not the author of such confusion." I asked for verification of
<a name="l388"></a>640x480 16 color. God said it was because of the children and their offerings.
<a name="l389"></a>I asked about sound. God said "single voice". I asked for verification of not
<a name="l390"></a>having different drivers. God confirmed this.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l391"></a>640x480 16 color? </span><span class=cF4>God said it was a covenant, like circumcision.
<a name="l392"></a> </span><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUxcVzpeFqc"><span class=cF4>Modern graphics hard for kids/amateurs</span></a><span class=cF4>.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l393"></a>On Unix? </span><span class=cF4>God said it was rich with the patina of age.</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l394"></a>On Alcohol? </span><span class=cF4>Hate inebriation</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l395"></a>On rare steak? </span><span class=cF4>Too rare is very bad. Don't eat blood!</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l396"></a>Just before Katrina? </span><span class=cF4>Floods do my justice.Black bead elder(tree book)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l397"></a>After Katrina? </span><span class=cF4>Suffering simplifies life</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l398"></a>Why the Sandy Hook shooting? </span><span class=cF4>The pot legalization law. (Sarcastic answer?)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l399"></a>Deep Water Horizon </span><span class=cF4>(Claimed credit.)</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l400"></a>Cost of God's time to me? </span><span class=cF4>"The complete works of Shakespeare"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l401"></a>On death? </span><span class=cF4>"awful"</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l402"></a>Opening of Saving Private Ryan? </span><span class=cF4>"Ouch"</span><span class=cF0>