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232 lines
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fn string_to_int_impl(text: string) -> int {
let base_2_digits = "01";
let base_8_digits = base_2_digits + "234567";
let base_10_digits = base_8_digits + "89";
let base_16_digits = base_10_digits + "abcdef";
let len = string_length(text);
if len == 0 {
return -1;
if text[0] == "0"[0] {
if len == 1 {
} else if text[1] == "b"[0] {
parse_digits(string_slice(text, 2, -1), 2, base_2_digits)
} else if text[1] == "x"[0] {
parse_digits(string_slice(text, 2, -1), 16, base_16_digits)
} else {
parse_digits(string_slice(text, 1, -1), 8, base_8_digits)
} else {
parse_digits(text, 10, base_10_digits)
fn parse_digits(text: string, base: int, digit_set: string) -> int {
let val = 0;
let len = string_length(text);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
let ch = text[i];
if not string_contains(digit_set, ch) {
return -1;
val = val * base;
val += char_val(ch);
fn char_val(ch: int) -> int {
if ch >= "0"[0] and ch <= "9"[0] {
ch - "0"[0]
} else if ch >= "a"[0] and ch <= "f"[0] {
ch - "a"[0] + 10
} else {
fn test_string_to_int_impl() -> bool {
test("should convert zero", assert_int_equal(string_to_int_impl("0"), 0))
and test("should convert decimal", assert_int_equal(string_to_int_impl("10"), 10))
and test("should convert binary", assert_int_equal(string_to_int_impl("0b110"), 6))
and test("should convert octal", assert_int_equal(string_to_int_impl("071"), 57))
and test("should convert hex", assert_int_equal(string_to_int_impl("0xaa"), 170))
and test("should fail", assert_int_equal(string_to_int_impl("john"), -1))
and test("should fail", assert_int_equal(string_to_int_impl(""), -1))
fn assert_int_equal(value: int, target: int) -> bool {
if value != target {
println("assertion failed: " + itos(value) + " != " + itos(target));
return false;
fn test(name: string, assertion: bool) -> bool {
println(" * test: " + name + " -> " + if assertion { "ok" } else { "failed" });
fn main() {
let ok = test_string_to_int_impl();
if not ok {
println("tests failed!");
fn print(msg: string) #[builtin(Print)] {}
fn println(msg: string) { print(msg + "\n") }
fn int_to_string(number: int) -> string #[builtin(IntToString)] {}
fn string_push_char(str: string, value: int) -> string #[builtin(StringPushChar)] {}
fn string_char_at(str: string, index: int) -> int #[builtin(StringCharAt)] {}
fn string_length(str: string) -> int #[builtin(StringLength)] {}
fn string_to_int(str: string) -> int #[builtin(StringToInt)] {}
fn string_array_new() -> [string] #[builtin(ArrayNew)] {}
fn string_array_push(array: [string], value: string) #[builtin(ArrayPush)] {}
fn string_array_length(array: [string]) -> int #[builtin(ArrayLength)] {}
fn string_array_at(array: [string], index: int) -> string #[builtin(ArrayAt)] {}
fn int_array_new() -> [int] #[builtin(ArrayNew)] {}
fn int_array_push(array: [int], value: int) #[builtin(ArrayPush)] {}
fn int_array_length(array: [int]) -> int #[builtin(ArrayLength)] {}
fn int_array_at(array: [int], index: int) -> int #[builtin(ArrayAt)] {}
fn file_open(filename: string, mode: string) -> int #[builtin(FileOpen)] {}
fn file_close(file: int) #[builtin(FileClose)] {}
fn file_write_string(file: int, content: string) -> int #[builtin(FileWriteString)] {}
fn file_read_char(file: int) -> int #[builtin(FileReadChar)] {}
fn file_read_to_string(file: int) -> string #[builtin(FileReadToString)] {}
fn file_flush(file: int) #[builtin(FileFlush)] {}
fn file_eof(file: int) -> bool #[builtin(FileEof)] {}
fn itos(number: int) -> string #[builtin(IntToString)] {}
fn stoi(str: string) -> int #[builtin(StringToInt)] {}
fn stdin() -> int { 0 }
fn stdout() -> int { 1 }
fn stderr() -> int { 2 }
fn file_read_line(file: int) -> string {
let line = "";
loop {
if file_eof(file) {
let ch = file_read_char(file);
if ch == "\n"[0] {
line = string_push_char(line, ch);
fn read_text_file(filename: string) -> string {
let file = file_open(filename, "r");
let text = file_read_to_string(file);
fn input(prompt: string) -> string {
print("> ");
fn string_abs(number: int) -> int {
let result = number;
if number < 0 {
result = number - (number * 2);
fn string_split(str: string, seperator: int) -> [string] {
let result: [string] = string_array_new();
let i = 0;
let current_str = "";
loop {
if i >= string_length(str) {
let char = str[i];
if char == seperator {
string_array_push(result, current_str);
current_str = "";
} else {
current_str = string_push_char(current_str, char);
i = i + 1;
string_array_push(result, current_str);
fn string_slice(str: string, from: int, to: int) -> string {
let result = "";
let len = string_length(str);
let abs_to =
if to >= len { len }
else if to < 0 { len + to + 1 }
else { to };
for (let i = from; i < abs_to; i += 1) {
result = string_push_char(result, str[i]);
fn string_contains(str: string, ch: int) -> bool {
let len = string_length(str);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if str[i] == ch {
return true;
fn array_clone(array: [int]) -> [int] {
let len = int_array_length(array);
let result = int_array_new();
let i = 0;
loop {
if i >= len { break; }
int_array_push(result, array[i]);
i = 1 + 1;
fn array_sort_mut(array: [int]) {
let len = int_array_length(array);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < len; j += 1) {
if array[j] < array[i] {
let tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
fn array_to_sorted(array: [int]) -> [int] {
let cloned = array_clone(array);