// src/index.ts var codeCoverageDiv = document.querySelector("#code-coverage"); var flameGraphDiv = document.querySelector("#flame-graph"); function drawText(text, codeCoverageData) { const tooltip = document.getElementById("covers-tooltip"); const entries = codeCoverageData.toSorted((a, b) => b.index - a.index); const charEntries = {}; const elements = []; let line = 1; let col = 1; for (let index = 0; index < text.length; ++index) { if (text[index] == "\n") { col = 1; line += 1; elements.push("\n"); continue; } const entry = entries.find((entry2) => index >= entry2.index); charEntries[`${line}-${col}`] = entry; const color = (ratio) => `rgba(${255 - 255 * ratio}, ${255 * ratio}, 125, 0.5)`; const span = document.createElement("span"); span.style.backgroundColor = color(Math.min(entry.covers / 25, 1)); span.innerText = text[index]; span.dataset.covers = entry.covers; elements.push(span); col += 1; } function positionInBox(position, boundingRect) { const [x, y] = position; const outside = x < boundingRect.left || x >= boundingRect.right || y < boundingRect.top || y >= boundingRect.bottom; return !outside; } testytestytesty.append(...elements); document.addEventListener("mousemove", (event) => { const [x, y] = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; const outerBox = testytestytesty.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!positionInBox([x, y], outerBox)) { console.log("+"); return; } const element = elements.find((element2) => { if (!element2.dataset?.covers) { return false; } const isIn = positionInBox([x, y], element2.getBoundingClientRect()); return isIn; }); if (!element) { tooltip.hidden = true; return; } const covers = parseInt(element.dataset.covers); tooltip.hidden = false; tooltip.style.left = `${event.clientX + 20}px`; tooltip.style.top = `${event.clientY + 20}px`; tooltip.innerText = `Ran ${covers} time${covers !== 1 ? "s" : ""}`; }); } function loadCodeCoverage(text, codeCoverageData) { codeCoverageDiv.innerHTML = `
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