import * as Ast from "../ast.ts"; import { AllFnsCollector } from "../mono.ts"; import { VType, vtypesEqual } from "../vtype.ts"; import { Block, BlockId, Fn, Local, LocalId, Mir, OpKind, RValue, Ter, TerKind, } from "./mir.ts"; export function lowerAst(ast: Ast.Stmt[]): Mir { return new AstLowerer(ast).lower(); } class AstLowerer { public constructor(private ast: Ast.Stmt[]) {} public lower(): Mir { const fnAsts = new AllFnsCollector().collect(this.ast).values(); const fns = fnAsts .map((fnAst) => new FnAstLowerer(fnAst).lower()) .toArray(); return { fns }; } } class LocalAllocator { private locals: Local[] = []; public alloc(vtype: VType, sym?: Ast.Sym): LocalId { const id = this.locals.length; this.locals.push({ id, mut: false, vtype, sym }); return id; } public allocMut(vtype: VType, sym?: Ast.Sym): LocalId { const id = this.locals.length; this.locals.push({ id, mut: true, vtype, sym }); return id; } public finish(): Local[] { return this.locals; } } class FnAstLowerer { private locals = new LocalAllocator(); private blockIdCounter = 0; private currentBlockId = 0; private blocks = new Map<BlockId, Block>(); private fnParamIndexLocals = new Map<number, LocalId>(); private letStmtIdLocals = new Map<number, LocalId>(); private breakStack: { local: LocalId; block: BlockId }[] = []; public constructor(private ast: Ast.Stmt) {} public lower(): Fn { const stmt = this.ast; if (stmt.kind.type !== "fn") { throw new Error(); } const vtype = stmt.kind.vtype; if (vtype?.type !== "fn") { throw new Error(); } const rLoc = this.locals.alloc(vtype.returnType); for (const param of stmt.kind.params) { const id = this.locals.allocMut(param.vtype!); this.fnParamIndexLocals.set(param.index!, id); } const entry = this.pushBlock(); const rVal = this.lowerBlockExpr(stmt.kind.body); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst: rLoc, src: local(rVal) }); this.setTer({ type: "return" }); const exit = this.currentBlock(); const locals = this.locals.finish(); const blocks = this.blocks.values().toArray(); return { stmt, locals, blocks, entry, exit }; } private lowerStmt(stmt: Ast.Stmt) { switch (stmt.kind.type) { case "error": case "mod_block": case "mod_file": case "mod": break; case "break": { const { local: dst, block } =!; if (stmt.kind.expr) { const val = this.lowerExpr(stmt.kind.expr); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: local(val) }); } else { this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: { type: "null" } }); } this.setTer({ type: "jump", target: block }); this.pushBlock(); return; } case "return": break; case "fn": // nothing return; case "let": this.lowerLetStmt(stmt); return; case "type_alias": break; case "assign": return this.lowerAssign(stmt); case "expr": { this.lowerExpr(stmt.kind.expr); return; } } throw new Error(`statement type '${stmt.kind.type}' not covered`); } private lowerAssign(stmt: Ast.Stmt) { if (stmt.kind.type !== "assign") { throw new Error(); } if (stmt.kind.assignType !== "=") { throw new Error("incomplete desugar"); } const src = local(this.lowerExpr(stmt.kind.value)); const s = stmt.kind.subject; switch (s.kind.type) { case "field": { const subject = local(this.lowerExpr(s.kind.subject)); const ident = s.kind.ident; this.addOp({ type: "assign_field", subject, ident, src }); return; } case "index": { const subject = local(this.lowerExpr(s.kind.subject)); const index = local(this.lowerExpr(s.kind.value)); this.addOp({ type: "assign_index", subject, index, src }); return; } case "sym": { const sym = s.kind.sym; switch (sym.type) { case "let": { const dst = this.letStmtIdLocals.get(!; this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src }); return; } case "fn_param": { const dst = this.fnParamIndexLocals.get( sym.param.index!, )!; this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src }); return; } } throw new Error(`symbol type '${sym.type}' not covered`); } default: throw new Error(); } } private lowerLetStmt(stmt: Ast.Stmt) { if (stmt.kind.type !== "let") { throw new Error(); } const srcId = this.lowerExpr(stmt.kind.value); const dst = this.locals.allocMut( stmt.kind.param.vtype!, stmt.kind.param.sym!, ); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: local(srcId) }); this.letStmtIdLocals.set(, dst); } private lowerExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { switch (expr.kind.type) { case "error": { const dst = this.locals.alloc({ type: "error" }); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: { type: "error" } }); return dst; } case "null": { const dst = this.locals.alloc({ type: "null" }); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: { type: "null" } }); return dst; } case "bool": { const val = expr.kind.value; const dst = this.locals.alloc({ type: "bool" }); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: { type: "bool", val } }); return dst; } case "int": { const val = expr.kind.value; const dst = this.locals.alloc({ type: "int" }); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: { type: "int", val } }); return dst; } case "string": { const val = expr.kind.value; const dst = this.locals.alloc({ type: "string" }); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: { type: "string", val }, }); return dst; } case "ident": throw new Error("should've been resolved"); case "sym": return this.lowerSymExpr(expr); case "group": return this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.expr); case "ref": { const src = this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.subject); const dst = this.locals.alloc(expr.vtype!); this.addOp({ type: "ref", dst, src }); return dst; } case "ref_mut": { const src = this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.subject); const dst = this.locals.alloc(expr.vtype!); this.addOp({ type: "ref_mut", dst, src }); return dst; } case "deref": { const src = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.subject)); const dst = this.locals.alloc(expr.kind.subject.vtype!); this.addOp({ type: "deref", dst, src }); return dst; } case "array": throw new Error("incomplete desugar"); case "struct": throw new Error("incomplete desugar"); case "field": return this.lowerFieldExpr(expr); case "index": return this.lowerIndexExpr(expr); case "call": return this.lowerCallExpr(expr); case "path": case "etype_args": case "unary": break; case "binary": return this.lowerBinaryExpr(expr); case "if": return this.lowerIfExpr(expr); case "loop": return this.lowerLoopExpr(expr); case "block": return this.lowerBlockExpr(expr); case "while": case "for_in": case "for": throw new Error("incomplete desugar"); } throw new Error(`expression type '${expr.kind.type}' not covered`); } private lowerSymExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { if (expr.kind.type !== "sym") { throw new Error(); } const sym = expr.kind.sym; switch (sym.type) { case "let": return this.letStmtIdLocals.get(!; case "let_static": case "type_alias": break; case "fn": { const stmt = sym.stmt; if (sym.stmt.kind.type !== "fn") { throw new Error(); } const dst = this.locals.alloc(sym.stmt.kind.vtype!); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst, src: { type: "fn", stmt } }); return dst; } case "fn_param": { return this.fnParamIndexLocals.get(sym.param.index!)!; } case "closure": case "generic": case "mod": } throw new Error(`symbol type '${sym.type}' not covered`); } private lowerFieldExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { if (expr.kind.type !== "field") { throw new Error(); } const ident = expr.kind.ident; const subject = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.subject)); const subjectVType = expr.kind.subject.vtype!; if (subjectVType.type !== "struct") { throw new Error(); } const fieldVType = subjectVType.fields.find((field) => field.ident === ident ); if (fieldVType === undefined) { throw new Error(); } const dst = this.locals.alloc(fieldVType.vtype); this.addOp({ type: "field", dst, subject, ident }); return dst; } private lowerIndexExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { if (expr.kind.type !== "index") { throw new Error(); } const subject = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.subject)); const index = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.value)); const dstVType = ((): VType => { const outer = expr.kind.subject.vtype!; if (outer.type === "array") { return outer.subject; } if (outer.type === "string") { return { type: "int" }; } throw new Error(); })(); const dst = this.locals.alloc(dstVType); this.addOp({ type: "index", dst, subject, index }); return dst; } private lowerCallExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { if (expr.kind.type !== "call") { throw new Error(); } const args = => local(this.lowerExpr(arg))); const subject = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.subject)); const subjectVType = expr.kind.subject.vtype!; if (subjectVType.type !== "fn") { throw new Error(); } const dst = this.locals.alloc(subjectVType.returnType); this.addOp({ type: "call_val", dst, subject, args }); return dst; } private lowerBinaryExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { if (expr.kind.type !== "binary") { throw new Error(); } const leftVType = expr.kind.left.vtype!; const rightVType = expr.kind.right.vtype!; if (!vtypesEqual(leftVType, rightVType)) { throw new Error(); } //const vtype = leftVType.type === "error" && rightVType || leftVType; const binaryType = expr.kind.binaryType; const left = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.left)); const right = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.right)); const dst = this.locals.alloc(expr.vtype!); this.addOp({ type: "binary", binaryType, dst, left, right }); return dst; //throw new Error( // `binary vtype '${vtypeToString(leftVType)}' not covered`, //); } private lowerIfExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { if (expr.kind.type !== "if") { throw new Error(); } const condBlock = this.currentBlock(); const cond = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.cond)); const end = this.reserveBlock(); const val = this.locals.alloc(expr.vtype!); const truthy = this.pushBlock(); const truthyVal = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.truthy)); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst: val, src: truthyVal }); this.setTer({ type: "jump", target: end }); if (expr.kind.falsy) { const falsy = this.pushBlock(); const falsyVal = local(this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.falsy)); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst: val, src: falsyVal }); this.setTer({ type: "jump", target: end }); this.setTerOn(condBlock, { type: "if", cond, truthy, falsy }); } else { this.setTerOn(condBlock, { type: "if", cond, truthy, falsy: end }); } this.pushBlockWithId(end); return val; } private lowerLoopExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { if (expr.kind.type !== "loop") { throw new Error(); } const val = this.locals.alloc(expr.vtype!); const breakBlock = this.reserveBlock(); this.breakStack.push({ local: val, block: breakBlock }); const before = this.currentBlock(); const body = this.pushBlock(); this.setTerOn(before, { type: "jump", target: body }); this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.body); this.setTer({ type: "jump", target: body }); this.breakStack.pop(); this.pushBlockWithId(breakBlock); return val; } private lowerBlockExpr(expr: Ast.Expr): LocalId { if (expr.kind.type !== "block") { throw new Error(); } for (const stmt of expr.kind.stmts) { this.lowerStmt(stmt); } if (expr.kind.expr) { return this.lowerExpr(expr.kind.expr); } else { const local = this.locals.alloc({ type: "null" }); this.addOp({ type: "assign", dst: local, src: { type: "null" } }); return local; } } private addOp(kind: OpKind) { this.blocks.get(this.currentBlockId)!.ops.push({ kind }); } private addOpOn(blockId: BlockId, kind: OpKind) { this.blocks.get(blockId)!.ops.push({ kind }); } private setTer(kind: TerKind) { this.blocks.get(this.currentBlockId)!.ter = { kind }; } private setTerOn(blockId: BlockId, kind: TerKind) { this.blocks.get(blockId)!.ter = { kind }; } private currentBlock(): BlockId { return this.currentBlockId; } private reserveBlock(): BlockId { const id = this.blockIdCounter; this.blockIdCounter += 1; return id; } private pushBlock(label?: string): BlockId { const id = this.blockIdCounter; this.blockIdCounter += 1; const ter: Ter = { kind: { type: "error" } }; this.blocks.set(id, { id, ops: [], ter, label }); this.currentBlockId = id; return id; } private pushBlockWithId(id: BlockId): BlockId { const ter: Ter = { kind: { type: "error" } }; this.blocks.set(id, { id, ops: [], ter }); this.currentBlockId = id; return id; } } function local(id: LocalId): RValue { return { type: "move", id }; }