    "comments": {
        // symbol used for single line comment. Remove this entry if your language does not support line comments
        "lineComment": "//",
        // symbols used for start and end a block comment. Remove this entry if your language does not support block comments
        "blockComment": [ "/*", "*/" ]
    // symbols used as brackets
    "brackets": [
        ["{", "}"],
        ["[", "]"],
        ["(", ")"]
    // symbols that are auto closed when typing
    "autoClosingPairs": [
        ["{", "}"],
        ["[", "]"],
        ["(", ")"],
        ["\"", "\""],
        ["'", "'"]
    // symbols that can be used to surround a selection
    "surroundingPairs": [
        ["{", "}"],
        ["[", "]"],
        ["(", ")"],
        ["\"", "\""]