573 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
573 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GLib
from gi.repository import Pango
from gi.repository import GObject
import os.path
import shutil
import re
from execute import *
import xdg.DesktopEntry
import xdg.Menu
from filemonitor import monitor as filemonitor
import ctypes
from ctypes import *
gtk = CDLL("libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0")
class IconManager(GObject.GObject):
__gsignals__ = {
"changed" : (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, () )
def __init__( self ):
GObject.GObject.__init__( self )
self.icons = { }
self.count = 0
# Some apps don't put a default icon in the default theme folder, so we will search all themes
def createTheme( d ):
theme = Gtk.IconTheme()
theme.set_custom_theme( d )
return theme
# This takes to much time and there are only a very few applications that use icons from different themes
#self.themes = map( createTheme, [ d for d in os.listdir( "/usr/share/icons" ) if os.path.isdir( os.path.join( "/usr/share/icons", d ) ) ] )
self.defaultTheme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default()
defaultKdeTheme = createTheme( "kde.default" )
# Setup and clean up the temp icon dir
configDir = GLib.get_user_config_dir()
self.iconDir = os.path.join(configDir, "mintmenu")
if not os.path.exists(self.iconDir):
contents = os.listdir(self.iconDir)
for fn in contents:
os.remove(os.path.join(self.iconDir, fn))
# Themes with the same content as the default them aren't needed
#self.themes = [ theme for theme in self.themes if theme.list_icons() != defaultTheme.list_icons() ]
self.themes = [ self.defaultTheme, defaultKdeTheme ]
# Listen for changes in the themes
for theme in self.themes:
theme.connect("changed", self.themeChanged )
def getIcon( self, iconName, iconSize ):
if not iconName:
return None
iconFileName = ""
realIconName = ""
needTempFile = False
#[ iconWidth, iconHeight ] = self.getIconSize( iconSize )
if iconSize <= 0:
return None
elif os.path.isabs( iconName ):
iconFileName = iconName
needTempFile = True
if iconName[-4:] in [".png", ".xpm", ".svg", ".gif"]:
realIconName = iconName[:-4]
realIconName = iconName
if iconFileName and needTempFile and os.path.exists( iconFileName ):
tmpIconName = iconFileName.replace("/", "-")
realIconName = tmpIconName[:-4]
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.iconDir, tmpIconName)):
shutil.copyfile(iconFileName, os.path.join(self.iconDir, tmpIconName))
image = Gtk.Image()
icon_found = False
for theme in self.themes:
if theme.has_icon( realIconName ):
icon_found = True
if icon_found:
image.set_from_icon_name(realIconName, Gtk.IconSize.DND)
image = None
return image
except Exception, e:
print "Exception " + e.__class__.__name__ + ": " + e.message
return None
def themeChanged( self, theme ):
self.emit( "changed" )
class easyButton( Gtk.Button ):
def __init__( self, iconName, iconSize, labels = None, buttonWidth = -1, buttonHeight = -1 ):
GObject.GObject.__init__( self )
self.connections = [ ]
self.iconName = iconName
self.iconSize = iconSize
self.showIcon = True
self.set_relief( Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE )
self.set_size_request( buttonWidth, buttonHeight )
Align1 = Gtk.Alignment.new( 0, 0.5, 1.0, 0 )
HBox1 = Gtk.HBox()
self.labelBox = Gtk.VBox( False, 2 )
self.buttonImage = Gtk.Image()
icon = self.getIcon( self.iconSize )
if icon:
self.buttonImage = icon
#[ iW, iH ] = iconManager.getIconSize( self.iconSize )
self.buttonImage.set_size_request( self.iconSize, self.iconSize )
self.image_box = Gtk.HBox()
self.image_box.pack_start(self.buttonImage, False, False, 5)
HBox1.pack_start( self.image_box, False, False, 0 )
if labels:
for label in labels:
if isinstance( label, basestring ):
self.addLabel( label )
elif isinstance( label, list ):
self.addLabel( label[0], label[1] )
HBox1.pack_start( self.labelBox , True, True, 0)
Align1.add( HBox1 )
self.add( Align1 )
self.connectSelf( "destroy", self.onDestroy )
self.connect( "released", self.onRelease )
# Reload icons when the theme changed
self.themeChangedHandlerId = iconManager.connect("changed", self.themeChanged )
def connectSelf( self, event, callback ):
self.connections.append( self.connect( event, callback ) )
def onRelease( self, widget ):
def onDestroy( self, widget ):
iconManager.disconnect( self.themeChangedHandlerId )
for connection in self.connections:
self.disconnect( connection )
del self.connections
def addLabel( self, text, styles = None ):
label = Gtk.Label()
if "<b>" in text or "<span" in text:
label.set_markup(text.replace('&', '&')) # don't remove our pango
if styles:
labelStyle = Pango.AttrList()
for attr in styles:
labelStyle.insert( attr )
label.set_attributes( labelStyle )
label.set_ellipsize( Pango.EllipsizeMode.END )
label.set_alignment( 0.0, 1.0 )
self.labelBox.pack_start( label , True, True, 0)
def getIcon ( self, iconSize ):
if not self.iconName:
return None
icon = iconManager.getIcon( self.iconName, iconSize )
if icon is None:
icon = iconManager.getIcon( "application-default-icon", iconSize )
return icon
def setIcon ( self, iconName ):
self.iconName = iconName
# IconTheme changed, setup new button icons
def themeChanged( self, theme ):
def iconChanged( self ):
icon = self.getIcon( self.iconSize )
if icon:
self.buttonImage = icon
self.image_box.pack_start(self.buttonImage, False, False, 5)
#[iW, iH ] = iconManager.getIconSize( self.iconSize )
self.buttonImage.set_size_request( self.iconSize, self.iconSize )
def setIconSize( self, size ):
self.iconSize = size
icon = self.getIcon( self.iconSize )
if icon:
self.buttonImage = icon
self.image_box.pack_start(self.buttonImage, False, False, 5)
elif self.iconSize:
#[ iW, iH ] = iconManager.getIconSize( self.iconSize )
self.buttonImage.set_size_request( self.iconSize, self.iconSize )
class TargetEntry(Structure):
_fields_ = [("target", c_char_p),
("flags", c_int),
("info", c_int)]
class ApplicationLauncher( easyButton ):
def __init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize):
if isinstance( desktopFile, xdg.Menu.MenuEntry ):
desktopItem = desktopFile.DesktopEntry
desktopFile = desktopItem.filename
self.appDirs = desktop.desktopFile.AppDirs
elif isinstance( desktopFile, xdg.Menu.DesktopEntry ):
desktopItem = desktopFile
desktopFile = desktopItem.filename
self.appDirs = [ os.path.dirname( desktopItem.filename ) ]
desktopItem = xdg.DesktopEntry.DesktopEntry( desktopFile )
self.appDirs = [ os.path.dirname( desktopFile ) ]
self.desktopFile = desktopFile
self.startupMonitorId = 0
self.loadDesktopEntry( desktopItem )
self.desktopEntryMonitors = []
base = os.path.basename( self.desktopFile )
for dir in self.appDirs:
self.desktopEntryMonitors.append( filemonitor.addMonitor( os.path.join(dir, base) , self.desktopEntryFileChangedCallback ) )
easyButton.__init__( self, self.appIconName, iconSize )
# Drag and Drop
self.connectSelf( "drag-data-get", self.dragDataGet )
array = TargetEntry * 2
targets = array(( "text/plain", 0, 100 ), ( "text/uri-list", 0, 101 ))
gtk.gtk_drag_source_set.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_ushort, c_void_p, c_int, c_ushort]
gtk.gtk_drag_source_set(hash(self), Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK, targets, 2, Gdk.DragAction.COPY)
icon = self.getIcon( Gtk.IconSize.DND )
if icon:
iconName, s = icon.get_icon_name()
c = c_char_p(iconName.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
gtk.gtk_drag_source_set_icon_name.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p]
gtk.gtk_drag_source_set_icon_name( hash(self), c)
self.connectSelf( "focus-in-event", self.onFocusIn )
self.connectSelf( "focus-out-event", self.onFocusOut )
self.connectSelf( "clicked", self.execute )
def loadDesktopEntry( self, desktopItem ):
self.appName = self.strip_accents(desktopItem.getName())
self.appGenericName = self.strip_accents(desktopItem.getGenericName())
self.appComment = self.strip_accents(desktopItem.getComment())
self.appExec = self.strip_accents(desktopItem.getExec().replace('\\\\', '\\'))
self.appIconName = desktopItem.getIcon()
self.appCategories = desktopItem.getCategories()
self.appMateDocPath = desktopItem.get( "X-MATE-DocPath" ) or ""
self.useTerminal = desktopItem.getTerminal()
self.appPath = desktopItem.getPath()
if not self.appMateDocPath:
self.appKdeDocPath = desktopItem.getDocPath() or ""
self.appName = self.appName.strip()
self.appGenericName = self.appGenericName.strip()
self.appComment = self.appComment.strip()
basename = os.path.basename( self.desktopFile )
self.startupFilePath = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config", "autostart", basename )
if self.startupMonitorId:
filemonitor.removeMonitor( self.startupMonitorId )
if os.path.exists (self.startupFilePath):
self.startupMonitorId = filemonitor.addMonitor( self.startupFilePath, self.startupFileChanged )
except Exception, e:
print e
self.appName = ""
self.appGenericName = ""
self.appComment = ""
self.appExec = ""
self.appIconName = ""
self.appCategories = ""
self.appDocPath = ""
self.startupMonitorId = 0
def onFocusIn( self, widget, event ):
self.set_relief( Gtk.ReliefStyle.HALF )
def onFocusOut( self, widget, event ):
self.set_relief( Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE )
def setupLabels( self ):
self.addLabel( self.appName )
def filterText( self, text ):
keywords = text.lower().split()
appName = self.appName.lower()
appGenericName = self.appGenericName.lower()
appComment = self.appComment.lower()
appExec = self.appExec.lower()
for keyword in keywords:
keyw = self.strip_accents(keyword)
if keyw != "" and appName.find( keyw ) == -1 and appGenericName.find( keyw ) == -1 and appComment.find( keyw ) == -1 and appExec.find( keyw ) == -1:
return False
return True
def strip_accents(self, string):
value = string
if isinstance(string, unicode):
value = string.encode('UTF8', 'ignore')
return value
def getTooltip( self ):
tooltip = self.appName
if self.appComment != "" and self.appComment != self.appName:
tooltip = tooltip + "\n" + self.appComment
return tooltip
def dragDataGet( self, widget, context, selection, targetType, eventTime ):
if targetType == 100: # text/plain
selection.set_text( "'" + self.desktopFile + "'", -1 )
elif targetType == 101: # text/uri-list
if self.desktopFile[0:7] == "file://":
selection.set_uris( [ self.desktopFile ] )
selection.set_uris( [ "file://" + self.desktopFile ] )
def execute( self, *args ):
if self.appExec:
if self.useTerminal:
cmd = "x-terminal-emulator -e \"" + self.appExec + "\""
if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/mate-terminal"):
cmd = "mate-terminal -e \"" + self.appExec + "\""
Execute(cmd, self.appPath)
Execute(self.appExec, self.appPath)
def uninstall (self, *args ):
Execute("gksu /usr/lib/linuxmint/common/mint-remove-application.py " + self.desktopFile)
# IconTheme changed, setup new icons for button and drag 'n drop
def iconChanged( self ):
easyButton.iconChanged( self )
icon = self.getIcon( Gtk.IconSize.DND )
if icon:
iconName, size = icon.get_icon_name()
c = c_char_p(iconName.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
gtk.gtk_drag_source_set_icon_name.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p]
gtk.gtk_drag_source_set_icon_name( hash(self), c)
def startupFileChanged( self, *args ):
self.inStartup = os.path.exists( self.startupFilePath )
def addToStartup( self ):
startupDir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config", "autostart" );
if not os.path.exists( startupDir ):
os.makedirs( startupDir )
shutil.copyfile( self.desktopFile, self.startupFilePath )
# Remove %u, etc. from Exec entry, because MATE will not replace them when it starts the app
item = matedesktop.item_new_from_uri( self.startupFilePath, matedesktop.LOAD_ONLY_IF_EXISTS )
if item:
r = re.compile("%[A-Za-z]");
tmp = r.sub("", item.get_string( matedesktop.KEY_EXEC ) ).strip()
item.set_string( matedesktop.KEY_EXEC, tmp )
item.save( self.startupFilePath, 0 )
def removeFromStartup( self ):
if os.path.exists( self.startupFilePath ):
os.remove( self.startupFilePath )
def addToFavourites( self ):
favouritesDir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".linuxmint", "mintMenu", "applications" );
if not os.path.exists( favouritesDir ):
os.makedirs( favouritesDir )
shutil.copyfile( self.desktopFile, self.favouritesFilePath )
def removeFromFavourites( self ):
if os.path.exists( self.favouritesFilePath ):
os.remove( self.favouritesFilePath )
def isInStartup( self ):
#return self.inStartup
return os.path.exists( self.startupFilePath )
def onDestroy( self, widget ):
easyButton.onDestroy( self, widget )
if self.startupMonitorId:
filemonitor.removeMonitor( self.startupMonitorId )
for id in self.desktopEntryMonitors:
filemonitor.removeMonitor( id )
def desktopEntryFileChangedCallback (self):
GLib.timeout_add(200, self.onDesktopEntryFileChanged)
def onDesktopEntryFileChanged( self ):
exists = False
base = os.path.basename( self.desktopFile )
for dir in self.appDirs:
if os.path.exists( os.path.join( dir, base ) ):
# print os.path.join( dir, base ), self.desktopFile
self.loadDesktopEntry( xdg.DesktopEntry.DesktopEntry( os.path.join( dir, base ) ) )
for child in self.labelBox:
self.iconName = self.appIconName
exists = True
if not exists:
# FIXME: What to do in this case?
return False
class MenuApplicationLauncher( ApplicationLauncher ):
def __init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize, category, showComment, highlight=False ):
self.showComment = showComment
self.appCategory = category
self.highlight = highlight
ApplicationLauncher.__init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize )
def filterCategory( self, category ):
if self.appCategory == category or category == "":
def setupLabels( self ):
appName = self.appName
appComment = self.appComment
if self.highlight:
#color = self.labelBox.rc_get_style().fg[ Gtk.StateType.SELECTED ].to_string()
#if len(color) > 0 and color[0] == "#":
#appName = "<span foreground=\"%s\"><b>%s</b></span>" % (color, appName);
#appComment = "<span foreground=\"%s\"><b>%s</b></span>" % (color, appComment);
#appName = "<b>%s</b>" % (appName);
#appComment = "<b>%s</b>" % (appComment);
#appName = "<b>%s</b>" % (appName);
#appComment = "<b>%s</b>" % (appComment);
appName = "<b>%s</b>" % (appName);
appComment = "<b>%s</b>" % (appComment);
except Exception, detail:
print detail
if self.showComment and self.appComment != "":
if self.iconSize <= 2:
self.addLabel( '<span size="small">%s</span>' % appName)
self.addLabel( '<span size="x-small">%s</span>' % appComment)
self.addLabel( appName )
self.addLabel( '<span size="small">%s</span>' % appComment)
self.addLabel( appName )
def execute( self, *args ):
self.highlight = False
for child in self.labelBox:
return super(MenuApplicationLauncher, self).execute(*args)
def setShowComment( self, showComment ):
self.showComment = showComment
for child in self.labelBox:
class FavApplicationLauncher( ApplicationLauncher ):
def __init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize, swapGeneric = False ):
self.swapGeneric = swapGeneric
ApplicationLauncher.__init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize )
def setupLabels( self ):
if self.appGenericName:
if self.swapGeneric:
self.addLabel( '<span weight="bold">%s</span>' % self.appName )
self.addLabel( self.appGenericName )
self.addLabel( '<span weight="bold">%s</span>' % self.appGenericName )
self.addLabel( self.appName )
self.addLabel( '<span weight="bold">%s</span>' % self.appName )
if self.appComment != "":
self.addLabel( self.appComment )
self.addLabel ( "" )
def setSwapGeneric( self, swapGeneric ):
self.swapGeneric = swapGeneric
for child in self.labelBox:
class CategoryButton( easyButton ):
def __init__( self, iconName, iconSize, labels , f ):
easyButton.__init__( self, iconName, iconSize, labels )
self.filter = f
iconManager = IconManager()