#!/usr/bin/python2 # -*- coding: utf-8; -*- # Copyright (C) 2013 Ozcan Esen # Copyright (C) 2008 Luca Bruno # # This a slightly modified version of the globalkeybinding.py file which is part of FreeSpeak. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import gi gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from Xlib.display import Display from Xlib import X, error from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkX11, GObject, GLib import threading SPECIAL_MODS = (["Super_L", ""], ["Super_R", ""], ["Alt_L", ""], ["Alt_R", ""], ["Control_L", ""], ["Control_R", ""], ["Shift_L", ""], ["Shift_R", ""]) class GlobalKeyBinding(GObject.GObject, threading.Thread): __gsignals__ = { 'activate': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), } def __init__(self): GObject.GObject.__init__ (self) threading.Thread.__init__ (self) self.setDaemon (True) self.keymap = Gdk.Keymap().get_default() self.display = Display() self.screen = self.display.screen() self.window = self.screen.root self.ignored_masks = self.get_mask_combinations(X.LockMask | X.Mod2Mask | X.Mod5Mask) self.map_modifiers() self.raw_keyval = None self.keytext = "" def map_modifiers(self): gdk_modifiers =(Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD2_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD3_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD4_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD5_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.SUPER_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.HYPER_MASK) self.known_modifiers_mask = 0 for modifier in gdk_modifiers: if "Mod" not in Gtk.accelerator_name(0, modifier) or "Mod4" in Gtk.accelerator_name(0, modifier): self.known_modifiers_mask |= modifier def grab(self, key): accelerator = key accelerator = accelerator.replace("", "") keyval, modifiers = Gtk.accelerator_parse(accelerator) if not accelerator or (not keyval and not modifiers): self.keycode = None self.modifiers = None return False self.keytext = key try: self.keycode = self.keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(keyval).keys[0].keycode except: # In Betsy, the get_entries_for_keyval() returns an unamed tuple... self.keycode = self.keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(keyval)[1][0].keycode self.modifiers = int(modifiers) catch = error.CatchError(error.BadAccess) for ignored_mask in self.ignored_masks: mod = modifiers | ignored_mask result = self.window.grab_key(self.keycode, mod, True, X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeSync, onerror=catch) self.display.flush() # sync has been blocking. Don't know why. #self.display.sync() if catch.get_error(): return False return True def ungrab(self): if self.keycode: self.window.ungrab_key(self.keycode, X.AnyModifier, self.window) def rebind(self, key): self.ungrab() if key != "": self.grab(key) else: self.keytext = "" def set_focus_window(self, window = None): self.ungrab() if window is None: self.window = self.screen.root else: self.window = self.display.create_resource_object("window", window.get_xid()) self.grab(self.keytext) def get_mask_combinations(self, mask): return [x for x in xrange(mask+1) if not (x & ~mask)] def idle(self): self.emit("activate") return False def activate(self): GLib.idle_add(self.run) def run(self): self.running = True wait_for_release = False while self.running: event = self.display.next_event() try: self.current_event_time = event.time if event.detail == self.keycode and event.type == X.KeyPress and not wait_for_release: modifiers = event.state & self.known_modifiers_mask if modifiers == self.modifiers: wait_for_release = True self.display.allow_events(X.AsyncKeyboard, event.time) else: self.display.allow_events(X.ReplayKeyboard, event.time) elif event.detail == self.keycode and wait_for_release: if event.type == X.KeyRelease: wait_for_release = False GLib.idle_add(self.idle) self.display.allow_events(X.AsyncKeyboard, event.time) else: self.display.allow_events(X.ReplayKeyboard, event.time) except AttributeError: continue def stop(self): self.running = False self.ungrab() self.display.close() class KeybindingWidget(Gtk.Box): __gsignals__ = { 'accel-edited': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), } def __init__(self, desc): super(KeybindingWidget, self).__init__() self.desc = desc self.label = Gtk.Label(desc) if self.desc != "": self.pack_start(self.label, False, False, 0) self.button = Gtk.Button() self.button.set_tooltip_text(_("Click to set a new accelerator key for opening and closing the menu. ") + _("Press Escape or click again to cancel the operation. ") + _("Press Backspace to clear the existing keybinding.")) self.button.connect("clicked", self.clicked) self.button.set_size_request(200, -1) self.pack_start(self.button, False, False, 4) self.show_all() self.event_id = None self.teaching = False def clicked(self, widget): if not self.teaching: Gdk.keyboard_grab(self.get_window(), False, Gdk.CURRENT_TIME) self.button.set_label(_("Pick an accelerator")) self.event_id = self.connect( "key-release-event", self.on_key_release ) self.teaching = True else: if self.event_id: self.disconnect(self.event_id) self.ungrab() self.set_button_text() self.teaching = False def on_key_release(self, widget, event): self.disconnect(self.event_id) self.ungrab() self.event_id = None if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape: self.set_button_text() self.teaching = False return True if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_BackSpace: self.teaching = False self.value = "" self.set_button_text() self.emit("accel-edited") return True accel_string = Gtk.accelerator_name( event.keyval, event.state ) accel_string = self.sanitize(accel_string) self.value = accel_string self.set_button_text() self.teaching = False self.emit("accel-edited") return True def sanitize(self, string): accel_string = string.replace("", "") accel_string = accel_string.replace("", "") for single, mod in SPECIAL_MODS: if single in accel_string and mod in accel_string: accel_string = accel_string.replace(mod, "") return accel_string def get_val(self): return self.value def set_val(self, value): self.value = value self.set_button_text() def ungrab(self): Gdk.keyboard_ungrab(Gdk.CURRENT_TIME) def set_button_text(self): if self.value == "": self.button.set_label(_("")) else: self.button.set_label(self.value)