#!/usr/bin/env python import gtk import pango import gnomedesktop import gobject import os.path import shutil import gnomevfs import re from execute import * import xdg.DesktopEntry import xdg.Menu from filemonitor import monitor as filemonitor class IconManager(gobject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { "changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, () ) } def __init__( self ): gobject.GObject.__init__( self ) self.icons = { } self.count = 0 # Some apps don't put a default icon in the default theme folder, so we will search all themes def createTheme( d ): theme = gtk.IconTheme() theme.set_custom_theme( d ) return theme # This takes to much time and there are only a very few applications that use icons from different themes #self.themes = map( createTheme, [ d for d in os.listdir( "/usr/share/icons" ) if os.path.isdir( os.path.join( "/usr/share/icons", d ) ) ] ) defaultTheme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() defaultKdeTheme = createTheme( "kde.default" ) # Themes with the same content as the default them aren't needed #self.themes = [ theme for theme in self.themes if theme.list_icons() != defaultTheme.list_icons() ] self.themes = [ defaultTheme, defaultKdeTheme ] self.cache = {} # Listen for changes in the themes for theme in self.themes: theme.connect("changed", self.themeChanged ) def getIcon( self, iconName, iconSize ): if not iconName: return None try: [ iconWidth, iconHeight ] = self.getIconSize( iconSize ) if iconWidth <= 0 or iconHeight <= 0: return None if iconName in self.cache and iconSize in self.cache[iconName]: iconFileName = self.cache[iconName][iconSize] elif os.path.isabs( iconName ): iconFileName = iconName else: if iconName[-4:] in [".png", ".xpm", ".svg", ".gif"]: realIconName = iconName[:-4] else: realIconName = iconName tmp = None for theme in self.themes: if theme.has_icon( realIconName ): tmp = theme.lookup_icon( realIconName, iconWidth, 0 ) if tmp: break if tmp: iconFileName = tmp.get_filename() else: iconFileName = "" if iconFileName and os.path.exists( iconFileName ): icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( iconFileName, iconWidth, iconHeight ) else: icon = None # if the actual icon size is to far from the desired size resize it if icon and (( icon.get_width() - iconWidth ) > 5 or ( icon.get_height() - iconHeight ) > 5): if icon.get_width() > icon.get_height(): newIcon = icon.scale_simple( iconWidth, icon.get_height() * iconWidth / icon.get_width(), gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR ) else: newIcon = icon.scale_simple( icon.get_width() * iconHeight / icon.get_height(), iconWidth, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR ) del icon icon = newIcon if iconName in self.cache: self.cache[iconName][iconSize] = iconFileName else: self.cache[iconName] = { iconSize : iconFileName } return icon except Exception, e: print "Excpetion " + e.__class__.__name__ + ": " + e.message return None def getIconSize( self, iconSize ): if isinstance(iconSize, int): if iconSize >= 4: iconSize = gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG elif iconSize == 3: iconSize = gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND elif iconSize == 2: iconSize = gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON elif iconSize == 1: iconSize = gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU elif iconSize <= 0: return ( 0, 0 ) return gtk.icon_size_lookup( iconSize ) def themeChanged( self, theme ): self.cache = { } self.emit( "changed" ) gobject.type_register(IconManager) class easyButton( gtk.Button ): def __init__( self, iconName, iconSize, labels = None, buttonWidth = -1, buttonHeight = -1 ): gtk.Button.__init__( self ) self.connections = [ ] self.iconName = iconName self.iconSize = iconSize self.showIcon = True self.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_NONE ) self.set_size_request( buttonWidth, buttonHeight ) Align1 = gtk.Alignment( 0, 0.5, 1.0, 0 ) HBox1 = gtk.HBox() self.labelBox = gtk.VBox( False, 2 ) self.buttonImage = gtk.Image() icon = self.getIcon( self.iconSize ) if icon: self.buttonImage.set_from_pixbuf( icon ) del icon else: [ iW, iH ] = iconManager.getIconSize( self.iconSize ) self.buttonImage.set_size_request( iW, iH ) self.buttonImage.show() HBox1.pack_start( self.buttonImage, False, False, 5 ) if labels: for label in labels: if isinstance( label, basestring ): self.addLabel( label ) elif isinstance( label, list ): self.addLabel( label[0], label[1] ) self.labelBox.show() HBox1.pack_start( self.labelBox ) HBox1.show() Align1.add( HBox1 ) Align1.show() self.add( Align1 ) self.connectSelf( "destroy", self.onDestroy ) self.connect( "released", self.onRelease ) # Reload icons when the theme changed self.themeChangedHandlerId = iconManager.connect("changed", self.themeChanged ) def connectSelf( self, event, callback ): self.connections.append( self.connect( event, callback ) ) def onRelease( self, widget ): widget.set_state(gtk.STATE_NORMAL) def onDestroy( self, widget ): self.buttonImage.clear() iconManager.disconnect( self.themeChangedHandlerId ) for connection in self.connections: self.disconnect( connection ) del self.connections def addLabel( self, text, styles = None ): label = gtk.Label( text ) if styles: labelStyle = pango.AttrList() for attr in styles: labelStyle.insert( attr ) label.set_attributes( labelStyle ) label.set_ellipsize( pango.ELLIPSIZE_END ) label.set_alignment( 0.0, 1.0 ) label.show() self.labelBox.pack_start( label ) def getIcon ( self, iconSize ): if not self.iconName: return None icon = iconManager.getIcon( self.iconName, iconSize ) if not icon: icon = iconManager.getIcon( "application-default-icon", iconSize ) return icon def setIcon ( self, iconName ): self.iconName = iconName self.iconChanged() # IconTheme changed, setup new button icons def themeChanged( self, theme ): self.iconChanged() def iconChanged( self ): icon = self.getIcon( self.iconSize ) self.buttonImage.clear() if icon: self.buttonImage.set_from_pixbuf( icon ) self.buttonImage.set_size_request( -1, -1 ) del icon else: [iW, iH ] = iconManager.getIconSize( self.iconSize ) self.buttonImage.set_size_request( iW, iH ) def setIconSize( self, size ): self.iconSize = size icon = self.getIcon( self.iconSize ) self.buttonImage.clear() if icon: self.buttonImage.set_from_pixbuf( icon ) self.buttonImage.set_size_request( -1, -1 ) del icon elif self.iconSize: [ iW, iH ] = iconManager.getIconSize( self.iconSize ) self.buttonImage.set_size_request( iW, iH ) class ApplicationLauncher( easyButton ): def __init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize ): if isinstance( desktopFile, xdg.Menu.MenuEntry ): desktopItem = desktopFile.DesktopEntry desktopFile = desktopItem.filename self.appDirs = desktop.desktopFile.AppDirs elif isinstance( desktopFile, xdg.Menu.DesktopEntry ): desktopItem = desktopFile desktopFile = desktopItem.filename self.appDirs = [ os.path.dirname( desktopItem.filename ) ] else: desktopItem = xdg.DesktopEntry.DesktopEntry( desktopFile ) self.appDirs = [ os.path.dirname( desktopFile ) ] self.desktopFile = desktopFile self.startupMonitorId = 0 self.loadDesktopEntry( desktopItem ) self.desktopEntryMonitors = [] base = os.path.basename( self.desktopFile ) for dir in self.appDirs: self.desktopEntryMonitors.append( filemonitor.addMonitor( os.path.join(dir, base) , self.onDesktopEntryFileChanged ) ) easyButton.__init__( self, self.appIconName, iconSize ) self.setupLabels() # Drag and Drop self.connectSelf( "drag_data_get", self.dragDataGet ) self.drag_source_set( gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK , [ ( "text/plain", 0, 100 ), ( "text/uri-list", 0, 101 ) ], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY ) icon = self.getIcon( gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND ) if icon: self.drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf( icon ) del icon self.connectSelf( "focus-in-event", self.onFocusIn ) self.connectSelf( "focus-out-event", self.onFocusOut ) self.connectSelf( "enter-notify-event", self.onEnterNotify ) self.connectSelf( "clicked", self.execute ) def loadDesktopEntry( self, desktopItem ): try: self.appName = desktopItem.getName() self.appGenericName = desktopItem.getGenericName() self.appComment = desktopItem.getComment() self.appExec = desktopItem.getExec() self.appIconName = desktopItem.getIcon() self.appCategories = desktopItem.getCategories() self.appGnomeDocPath = desktopItem.get( "X-GNOME-DocPath" ) or "" self.useTerminal = desktopItem.getTerminal() if not self.appGnomeDocPath: self.appKdeDocPath = desktopItem.getDocPath() or "" self.appName = self.appName.strip() self.appGenericName = self.appGenericName.strip() self.appComment = self.appComment.strip() basename = os.path.basename( self.desktopFile ) self.startupFilePath = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config", "autostart", basename ) if self.startupMonitorId: filemonitor.removeMonitor( self.startupMonitorId ) self.startupMonitorId = filemonitor.addMonitor( self.startupFilePath, self.startupFileChanged ) #self.inStartup = os.path.exists( self.startupFilePath ) except Exception, e: print e self.appName = "" self.appGenericName = "" self.appComment = "" self.appExec = "" self.appIconName = "" self.appCategories = "" self.appDocPath = "" self.startupMonitorId = 0 def onFocusIn( self, widget, event ): self.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_HALF ) def onFocusOut( self, widget, event ): self.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_NONE ) def onEnterNotify( self, widget, event ): self.grab_focus() def setupLabels( self ): self.addLabel( self.appName ) def filterText( self, text ): keywords = text.lower().split() appName = self.strip_accents(self.appName.lower()) appGenericName = self.strip_accents(self.appGenericName.lower()) appComment = self.strip_accents(self.appComment.lower()) appExec = self.strip_accents(self.appExec.lower()) for keyword in keywords: keyw = self.strip_accents(keyword) if keyw != "" and appName.find( keyw ) == -1 and appGenericName.find( keyw ) == -1 and appComment.find( keyw ) == -1 and appExec.find( keyw ) == -1: self.hide() return False self.show() return True def strip_accents(self, string): import unicodedata return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(string)).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') def getTooltip( self ): tooltip = self.appName if self.appComment != "" and self.appComment != self.appName: tooltip = tooltip + "\n" + self.appComment return tooltip def dragDataGet( self, widget, context, selection, targetType, eventTime ): if targetType == 100: # text/plain selection.set_text( "'" + self.desktopFile + "'", -1 ) elif targetType == 101: # text/uri-list if self.desktopFile[0:7] == "file://": selection.set_uris( [ self.desktopFile ] ) else: selection.set_uris( [ "file://" + self.desktopFile ] ) def execute( self, *args ): if self.appExec: if self.useTerminal: cmd = "x-terminal-emulator -e \"" + self.appExec + "\"" Execute(cmd) else: Execute(self.appExec) def uninstall (self, *args ): Execute("gksu /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintMenu/mintRemove.py " + self.desktopFile) # IconTheme changed, setup new icons for button and drag 'n drop def iconChanged( self ): easyButton.iconChanged( self ) icon = self.getIcon( gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND ) if icon: self.drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf( icon ) del icon def startupFileChanged( self, *args ): self.inStartup = os.path.exists( self.startupFilePath ) def addToStartup( self ): startupDir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config", "autostart" ); if not os.path.exists( startupDir ): os.makedirs( startupDir ) shutil.copyfile( self.desktopFile, self.startupFilePath ) # Remove %u, etc. from Exec entry, because gnome will not replace them when it starts the app item = gnomedesktop.item_new_from_uri( self.startupFilePath, gnomedesktop.LOAD_ONLY_IF_EXISTS ) if item: r = re.compile("%[A-Za-z]"); tmp = r.sub("", item.get_string( gnomedesktop.KEY_EXEC ) ).strip() item.set_string( gnomedesktop.KEY_EXEC, tmp ) item.save( self.startupFilePath, 0 ) def removeFromStartup( self ): if os.path.exists( self.startupFilePath ): os.remove( self.startupFilePath ) def addToFavourites( self ): favouritesDir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".linuxmint", "mintMenu", "applications" ); if not os.path.exists( favouritesDir ): os.makedirs( favouritesDir ) shutil.copyfile( self.desktopFile, self.favouritesFilePath ) def removeFromFavourites( self ): if os.path.exists( self.favouritesFilePath ): os.remove( self.favouritesFilePath ) def isInStartup( self ): #return self.inStartup return os.path.exists( self.startupFilePath ) def hasHelp( self ): return self.appGnomeDocPath or self.appKdeDocPath def launchHelp( self ): if self.appGnomeDocPath: bn = os.path.basename( self.appGnomeDocPath ) dn = os.path.dirname( self.appGnomeDocPath ) if self.appGnomeDocPath[0:6] != "ghelp:": self.appGnomeDocPath = "ghelp:" + self.appGnomeDocPath gnomevfs.url_show( self.appGnomeDocPath ) elif self.appKdeDocPath: if self.appKdeDocPath[0:6] != "help:/" and self.appKdeDocPath[0:6] != "file:/": self.appKdeDocPath = "help:/" + self.appKdeDocPath if self.appKdeDocPath[0:6] == "file:/": gnomevfs.url_show( self.appKdeDocPath ) else: Execute( [ "khelpcenter", self.appKdeDocPath ] ) def onDestroy( self, widget ): easyButton.onDestroy( self, widget ) if self.startupMonitorId: filemonitor.removeMonitor( self.startupMonitorId ) for id in self.desktopEntryMonitors: filemonitor.removeMonitor( id ) def onDesktopEntryFileChanged( self ): exists = False base = os.path.basename( self.desktopFile ) for dir in self.appDirs: if os.path.exists( os.path.join( dir, base ) ): print os.path.join( dir, base ), self.desktopFile self.loadDesktopEntry( xdg.DesktopEntry.DesktopEntry( os.path.join( dir, base ) ) ) for child in self.labelBox: child.destroy() self.iconName = self.appIconName self.setupLabels() self.iconChanged() exists = True break if not exists: # FIXME: What to do in this case? self.destroy() class MenuApplicationLauncher( ApplicationLauncher ): def __init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize, category, showComment ): self.showComment = showComment self.appCategory = category ApplicationLauncher.__init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize ) def filterCategory( self, category ): if self.appCategory == category or category == "": self.show() else: self.hide() def setupLabels( self ): if self.showComment and self.appComment != "": if self.iconSize <= 2: self.addLabel( self.appName, [ pango.AttrScale( pango.SCALE_SMALL, 0, -1 ) ] ) self.addLabel( self.appComment, [ pango.AttrScale( pango.SCALE_X_SMALL, 0, -1 ) ] ) else: self.addLabel( self.appName ) self.addLabel( self.appComment, [ pango.AttrScale( pango.SCALE_SMALL, 0, -1 ) ] ) else: self.addLabel( self.appName ) def setShowComment( self, showComment ): self.showComment = showComment for child in self.labelBox: child.destroy() self.setupLabels() class FavApplicationLauncher( ApplicationLauncher ): def __init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize, swapGeneric = False ): self.swapGeneric = swapGeneric ApplicationLauncher.__init__( self, desktopFile, iconSize ) def setupLabels( self ): if self.appGenericName: if self.swapGeneric: self.addLabel( self.appName, [ pango.AttrWeight( pango.WEIGHT_BOLD, 0, -1 ) ] ) self.addLabel( self.appGenericName ) else: self.addLabel( self.appGenericName, [ pango.AttrWeight( pango.WEIGHT_BOLD, 0, -1 ) ] ) self.addLabel( self.appName ) else: if self.appComment != "": self.addLabel( self.appName, [ pango.AttrWeight( pango.WEIGHT_BOLD, 0, -1 ) ] ) self.addLabel( self.appComment ) else: self.addLabel( self.appName ) def setSwapGeneric( self, swapGeneric ): self.swapGeneric = swapGeneric for child in self.labelBox: child.destroy() self.setupLabels() class CategoryButton( easyButton ): def __init__( self, iconName, iconSize, labels , f ): easyButton.__init__( self, iconName, iconSize, labels ) self.filter = f iconManager = IconManager()