#!/usr/bin/python2 import gi gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") gi.require_version('MatePanelApplet', '4.0') from gi.repository import Gtk, GdkPixbuf, Gdk, GObject from gi.repository import MatePanelApplet from gi.repository import Gio import sys import os import commands import gettext import traceback import time import gc import ctypes from ctypes import * import xdg.Config import keybinding import pointerMonitor import setproctitle GObject.threads_init() # Rename the process setproctitle.setproctitle('mintmenu') # i18n gettext.install("mintmenu", "/usr/share/linuxmint/locale") NAME = _("Menu") PATH = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ) ) sys.path.append( os.path.join( PATH , "plugins") ) windowManager = os.getenv("DESKTOP_SESSION") if not windowManager: windowManager = "MATE" xdg.Config.setWindowManager( windowManager.upper() ) from execute import * class MainWindow( object ): """This is the main class for the application""" def __init__( self, toggleButton, settings, keybinder, de ): self.settings = settings self.keybinder = keybinder self.path = PATH sys.path.append( os.path.join( self.path, "plugins") ) self.de = de self.icon = "/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintMenu/visualisation-logo.png" self.toggle = toggleButton # Load UI file and extract widgets builder = Gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(os.path.join( self.path, "mintMenu.glade" )) self.window = builder.get_object( "mainWindow" ) self.window.realize() self.window.get_window().set_decorations(Gdk.WMDecoration.BORDER) self.window.set_title("") self.paneholder = builder.get_object( "paneholder" ) self.border = builder.get_object( "border" ) builder.connect_signals(self) self.panesToColor = [ ] self.headingsToColor = [ ] self.window.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress ) self.window.connect( "focus-in-event", self.onFocusIn ) self.loseFocusId = self.window.connect( "focus-out-event", self.onFocusOut ) self.loseFocusBlocked = False self.window.stick() plugindir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser( "~" ), ".linuxmint/mintMenu/plugins" ) sys.path.append( plugindir ) self.panelSettings = Gio.Settings.new("org.mate.panel") self.panelSettings.connect( "changed::tooltips-enabled", self.toggleTooltipsEnabled ) self.settings.connect( "changed::plugins-list", self.RegenPlugins ) self.settings.connect( "changed::start-with-favorites", self.toggleStartWithFavorites ) self.settings.connect( "changed::tooltips-enabled", self.toggleTooltipsEnabled ) self.settings.connect( "changed::use-custom-color", self.toggleUseCustomColor ) self.settings.connect( "changed::custom-border-color", self.toggleCustomBorderColor ) self.settings.connect( "changed::custom-heading-color", self.toggleCustomHeadingColor ) self.settings.connect( "changed::custom-color", self.toggleCustomBackgroundColor ) self.settings.connect( "changed::border-width", self.toggleBorderWidth ) self.getSetGSettingEntries() self.tooltipsWidgets = [] if self.globalEnableTooltips and self.enableTooltips: self.tooltipsEnable() else: self.tooltipsEnable( False ) self.PopulatePlugins(); self.firstTime = True; def on_window1_destroy (self, widget, data=None): Gtk.main_quit() sys.exit(0) def wakePlugins( self ): # Call each plugin and let them know we're showing up for plugin in self.plugins.values(): if hasattr( plugin, "wake" ): plugin.wake() def toggleTooltipsEnabled( self, settings, key, args = None): if key == "tooltips-enabled": self.globalEnableTooltips = settings.get_boolean(key) else: self.enableTooltips = settings.get_boolean(key) if self.globalEnableTooltips and self.enableTooltips: self.tooltipsEnable() else: self.tooltipsEnable( False ) def toggleStartWithFavorites( self, settings, key, args = None ): self.startWithFavorites = settings.get_boolean(key) def toggleBorderWidth( self, settings, key, args = None ): self.borderwidth = settings.get_int(key) self.SetupMintMenuBorder() def toggleUseCustomColor( self, settings, key, args = None ): self.usecustomcolor = settings.get_boolean(key) self.loadTheme() def toggleCustomBorderColor( self, settings, key, args = None ): self.custombordercolor = settings.get_string(key) self.SetupMintMenuBorder() def toggleCustomBackgroundColor( self, settings, key, args = None): self.customcolor = settings.get_string(key) self.SetPaneColors( self.panesToColor ) def toggleCustomHeadingColor( self, settings, key, args = None ): self.customheadingcolor = settings.get_string(key) self.SetHeadingStyle( self.headingsToColor ) def getSetGSettingEntries( self ): self.dottedfile = os.path.join( self.path, "dotted.png") self.pluginlist = self.settings.get_strv( "plugins-list" ) self.usecustomcolor = self.settings.get_boolean( "use-custom-color" ) self.customcolor = self.settings.get_string( "custom-color" ) self.customheadingcolor = self.settings.get_string( "custom-heading-color" ) self.custombordercolor = self.settings.get_string( "custom-border-color" ) self.borderwidth = self.settings.get_int( "border-width" ) self.offset = self.settings.get_int( "offset" ) self.enableTooltips = self.settings.get_boolean( "tooltips-enabled" ) self.startWithFavorites = self.settings.get_boolean( "start-with-favorites" ) self.globalEnableTooltips = self.panelSettings.get_boolean( "tooltips-enabled" ) def SetupMintMenuBorder( self, color = None ): context = self.window.get_style_context() if self.usecustomcolor: borderColor = Gdk.RGBA() borderColor.parse( self.custombordercolor ) self.window.override_background_color( context.get_state(), borderColor ) elif color is not None: self.window.override_background_color( context.get_state(), color ) self.border.set_padding( self.borderwidth, self.borderwidth, self.borderwidth, self.borderwidth ) def PopulatePlugins( self ): self.panesToColor = [ ] self.headingsToColor = [ ] start = time.time() PluginPane = Gtk.EventBox() PluginPane.show() PaneLadder = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) PluginPane.add( PaneLadder ) ImageBox = Gtk.EventBox() ImageBox.show() self.panesToColor.extend( [ PluginPane, ImageBox ] ) seperatorImage = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file( self.dottedfile ) self.plugins = {} for plugin in self.pluginlist: if plugin in self.plugins: print u"Duplicate plugin in list: ", plugin continue if plugin != "newpane": try: X = __import__( plugin ) # If no parameter passed to plugin it is autonomous if X.pluginclass.__init__.func_code.co_argcount == 1: MyPlugin = X.pluginclass() else: # pass mintMenu and togglebutton instance so that the plugin can use it MyPlugin = X.pluginclass( self, self.toggle, self.de ) if not MyPlugin.icon: MyPlugin.icon = "mate-logo-icon.png" #if hasattr( MyPlugin, "hideseparator" ) and not MyPlugin.hideseparator: # Image1 = Gtk.Image() # Image1.set_from_pixbuf( seperatorImage ) # if not ImageBox.get_child(): # ImageBox.add( Image1 ) # Image1.show() #print u"Loading plugin '" + plugin + "' : sucessful" except Exception, e: MyPlugin = Gtk.EventBox() #Fake class for MyPlugin MyPlugin.heading = _("Couldn't load plugin:") + " " + plugin MyPlugin.content_holder = Gtk.EventBox() # create traceback info = sys.exc_info() errorLabel = Gtk.Label( "\n".join(traceback.format_exception( info[0], info[1], info[2] )).replace("\\n", "\n") ) errorLabel.set_selectable( True ) errorLabel.set_line_wrap( True ) errorLabel.set_alignment( 0.0, 0.0 ) errorLabel.set_padding( 5, 5 ) errorLabel.show() MyPlugin.content_holder.add( errorLabel ) MyPlugin.add( MyPlugin.content_holder ) MyPlugin.width = 270 MyPlugin.icon = 'mate-logo-icon.png' print u"Unable to load " + plugin + " plugin :-(" self.panesToColor.append( MyPlugin.content_holder ) MyPlugin.content_holder.show() VBox1 = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) if MyPlugin.heading != "": Label1 = Gtk.Label(label= MyPlugin.heading ) Align1 = Gtk.Alignment.new( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) Align1.set_padding( 10, 5, 10, 0 ) Align1.add( Label1 ) self.headingsToColor.append( Label1 ) Align1.show() Label1.show() if not hasattr( MyPlugin, 'sticky' ) or MyPlugin.sticky == True: heading = Gtk.EventBox() Align1.set_padding( 0, 0, 10, 0 ) heading.set_visible_window( False ) heading.set_size_request( MyPlugin.width, 30 ) else: heading = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL ) #heading.set_relief( Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE ) heading.set_size_request( MyPlugin.width, -1 ) #heading.set_sensitive(False) #heading.connect( "button_press_event", self.TogglePluginView, VBox1, MyPlugin.icon, MyPlugin.heading, MyPlugin ) heading.add( Align1 ) heading.show() VBox1.pack_start( heading, False, False, 0 ) VBox1.show() #Add plugin to Plugin Box under heading button MyPlugin.content_holder.get_parent().remove(MyPlugin.content_holder) VBox1.add( MyPlugin.content_holder ) #Add plugin to main window PaneLadder.pack_start( VBox1 , True, True, 0) PaneLadder.show() try: MyPlugin.get_window().destroy() except AttributeError: pass try: if hasattr( MyPlugin, 'do_plugin' ): MyPlugin.do_plugin() if hasattr( MyPlugin, 'height' ): MyPlugin.content_holder.set_size_request( -1, MyPlugin.height ) if hasattr( MyPlugin, 'itemstocolor' ): self.panesToColor.extend( MyPlugin.itemstocolor ) if hasattr( MyPlugin, 'headingstocolor' ): self.headingsToColor.extend( MyPlugin.headingstocolor ) except: # create traceback info = sys.exc_info() error = _("Couldn't initialize plugin") + " " + plugin + " : " + "\n".join(traceback.format_exception( info[0], info[1], info[2] )).replace("\\n", "\n") msgDlg = Gtk.MessageDialog( None, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, error ) msgDlg.run(); msgDlg.destroy(); self.plugins[plugin] = MyPlugin else: self.paneholder.pack_start( ImageBox, False, False, 0 ) self.paneholder.pack_start( PluginPane, False, False, 0 ) PluginPane = Gtk.EventBox() PaneLadder = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) PluginPane.add( PaneLadder ) ImageBox = Gtk.EventBox() self.panesToColor.extend( [ PluginPane, ImageBox ] ) ImageBox.show() PluginPane.show_all() if self.plugins and hasattr( MyPlugin, 'hideseparator' ) and not MyPlugin.hideseparator: Image1 = Gtk.Image() Image1.set_from_pixbuf( seperatorImage ) Image1.show() #ImageBox.add( Image1 ) Align1 = Gtk.Alignment.new(0, 0, 0, 0) Align1.set_padding( 0, 0, 6, 6 ) Align1.add(Image1) ImageBox.add(Align1) ImageBox.show_all() self.paneholder.pack_start( ImageBox, False, False, 0 ) self.paneholder.pack_start( PluginPane, False, False, 0 ) self.tooltipsEnable( False ) # A little bit hacky but works. def getDefaultColors( self ): widget = Gtk.EventBox() widget.show() context = widget.get_style_context() context.set_state( Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL ) context.add_class( Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_DEFAULT ) context.add_class( Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_BACKGROUND ) fgColor = context.get_color( context.get_state() ) bgColor = context.get_background_color( context.get_state() ) borderColor = context.get_border_color( context.get_state() ) return { "fg": fgColor, "bg": bgColor, "border": borderColor } def loadTheme( self ): colors = self.getDefaultColors() self.SetPaneColors( self.panesToColor, colors["bg"] ) self.SetupMintMenuBorder( colors["border"] ) self.SetHeadingStyle( self.headingsToColor ) def SetPaneColors( self, items, color = None ): for item in items: context = item.get_style_context() if self.usecustomcolor: bgColor = Gdk.RGBA() bgColor.parse( self.customcolor ) item.override_background_color( context.get_state(), bgColor ) elif color is not None: item.override_background_color( context.get_state(), color ) def SetHeadingStyle( self, items ): if self.usecustomcolor: color = self.customheadingcolor else: color = None for item in items: item.set_use_markup(True) text = item.get_text() if color == None: markup = '%s' % (text) else: markup = '%s' % (color, text) item.set_markup( markup ) def tooltipsEnable( self, enable = True ): for widget in self.tooltipsWidgets: widget.set_has_tooltip( enable ) def setTooltip( self, widget, tip ): self.tooltipsWidgets.append( widget ) widget.set_tooltip_text( tip ) def RegenPlugins( self, *args, **kargs ): #print #print u"Reloading Plugins..." for item in self.paneholder: item.destroy() for plugin in self.plugins.values(): if hasattr( plugin, "destroy" ): plugin.destroy() try: del plugin except: pass try: del self.plugins except: pass gc.collect() self.getSetGSettingEntries() self.PopulatePlugins() self.loadTheme() #print NAME+u" reloaded" def onKeyPress( self, widget, event ): if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape: self.hide() return True return False def show( self ): self.window.present() # Hack for opacity not showing on first composited draw if self.firstTime: self.firstTime = False self.window.set_opacity(1.0) self.window.get_window().focus( Gdk.CURRENT_TIME ) for plugin in self.plugins.values(): if hasattr( plugin, "onShowMenu" ): plugin.onShowMenu() if ( "applications" in self.plugins ) and ( hasattr( self.plugins["applications"], "focusSearchEntry" ) ): if (self.startWithFavorites): self.plugins["applications"].changeTab(0) self.plugins["applications"].focusSearchEntry() def hide( self ): for plugin in self.plugins.values(): if hasattr( plugin, "onHideMenu" ): plugin.onHideMenu() self.window.hide() def onFocusIn( self, *args ): if self.loseFocusBlocked: self.window.handler_unblock( self.loseFocusId ) self.loseFocusBlocked = False return False def onFocusOut( self, *args): if self.window.get_visible(): self.hide() return False def stopHiding( self ): if not self.loseFocusBlocked: self.window.handler_block( self.loseFocusId ) self.loseFocusBlocked = True class MenuWin( object ): def __init__( self, applet, iid ): self.applet = applet self.detect_desktop_environment() self.settings = Gio.Settings.new("com.linuxmint.mintmenu") self.keybinder = keybinding.GlobalKeyBinding() self.settings.connect( "changed::applet-text", self.reloadSettings ) self.settings.connect( "changed::theme-name", self.changeTheme ) self.settings.connect( "changed::hot-key", self.reloadSettings ) self.settings.connect( "changed::applet-icon", self.reloadSettings ) self.settings.connect( "changed::hide-applet-icon", self.reloadSettings ) self.settings.connect( "changed::applet-icon-size", self.reloadSettings ) self.settings.connect( "changed::hot-key", self.hotkeyChanged ) self.loadSettings() self.mate_settings = Gio.Settings.new("org.mate.interface") self.mate_settings.connect( "changed::gtk-theme", self.changeTheme ) self.createPanelButton() self.applet.set_flags( MatePanelApplet.AppletFlags.EXPAND_MINOR ) self.applet.connect( "button-press-event", self.showMenu ) self.applet.connect( "change-orient", self.changeOrientation ) self.applet.connect("enter-notify-event", self.enter_notify) self.applet.connect("leave-notify-event", self.leave_notify) self.mainwin = MainWindow( self.button_box, self.settings, self.keybinder, self.de ) self.mainwin.window.connect( "map-event", self.onWindowMap ) self.mainwin.window.connect( "unmap-event", self.onWindowUnmap ) self.mainwin.window.connect( "realize", self.onRealize ) self.mainwin.window.connect( "size-allocate", lambda *args: self.positionMenu() ) self.mainwin.window.set_name("mintmenu") # Name used in Gtk RC files self.applyTheme() self.mainwin.loadTheme() if self.mainwin.icon: Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_name( self.mainwin.icon ) self.bind_hot_key() self.applet.set_can_focus(False) self.pointerMonitor = pointerMonitor.PointerMonitor() self.pointerMonitor.connect("activate", self.onPointerOutside) def onWindowMap( self, *args ): self.applet.get_style_context().set_state( Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED ) self.keybinder.set_focus_window( self.mainwin.window.get_window() ) return False def onWindowUnmap( self, *args ): self.applet.get_style_context().set_state( Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL ) self.keybinder.set_focus_window() return False def onRealize( self, *args): self.pointerMonitor.addWindowToMonitor( self.mainwin.window.get_window() ) self.pointerMonitor.addWindowToMonitor( self.applet.get_window() ) self.pointerMonitor.start() return False def onPointerOutside(self, *args): self.mainwin.hide() return True def onBindingPress(self, binder): self.toggleMenu() return True def enter_notify(self, applet, event): self.do_image(self.buttonIcon, True) def leave_notify(self, applet, event): # Hack for mate-panel-test-applets focus issue (this can be commented) if event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK and applet.get_style_context().get_state() & Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED: if event.x >= 0 and event.y >= 0 and event.x < applet.get_window().get_width() and event.y < applet.get_window().get_height(): self.mainwin.stopHiding() self.do_image(self.buttonIcon, False) def do_image(self, image_file, saturate): if image_file.endswith(".svg"): pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(image_file, -1, 22) else: pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(image_file) if saturate: GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.saturate_and_pixelate(pixbuf, pixbuf, 1.5, False) self.button_icon.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) def createPanelButton( self ): self.button_icon = Gtk.Image() self.do_image(self.buttonIcon, False) self.systemlabel = Gtk.Label(label= "%s " % self.buttonText ) if os.path.exists("/etc/linuxmint/info"): import commands tooltip = commands.getoutput("cat /etc/linuxmint/info | grep DESCRIPTION") tooltip = tooltip.replace("DESCRIPTION", "") tooltip = tooltip.replace("=", "") tooltip = tooltip.replace("\"", "") self.systemlabel.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) self.button_icon.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) if self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.UP or self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.DOWN: self.button_box = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL ) self.button_box.pack_start( self.button_icon, False, False, 0 ) self.button_box.pack_start( self.systemlabel, False, False, 0 ) self.button_icon.set_padding( 5, 0 ) # if we have a vertical panel elif self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.LEFT: self.button_box = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) self.systemlabel.set_angle( 270 ) self.button_box.pack_start( self.button_icon , False, False, 0) self.button_box.pack_start( self.systemlabel , False, False, 0) self.button_icon.set_padding( 0, 5 ) elif self.applet.get_orient( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.RIGHT: self.button_box = Gtk.Box() self.systemlabel.set_angle( 90 ) self.button_box.pack_start( self.systemlabel , False, False, 0) self.button_box.pack_start( self.button_icon , False, False, 0) self.button_icon.set_padding( 0, 5 ) self.button_box.set_homogeneous( False ) self.button_box.show_all() self.sizeButton() self.applet.add( self.button_box ) self.applet.set_background_widget( self.applet ) def loadSettings( self, *args, **kargs ): self.hideIcon = self.settings.get_boolean( "hide-applet-icon" ) self.buttonText = self.settings.get_string("applet-text") self.theme_name = self.settings.get_string( "theme-name" ) self.hotkeyText = self.settings.get_string( "hot-key" ) self.buttonIcon = self.settings.get_string( "applet-icon" ) self.iconSize = self.settings.get_int( "applet-icon-size" ) def changeTheme(self, *args): self.reloadSettings() self.applyTheme() self.mainwin.loadTheme() def applyTheme(self): style_settings = Gtk.Settings.get_default() desktop_theme = self.mate_settings.get_string('gtk-theme') if self.theme_name == "default": style_settings.set_property("gtk-theme-name", desktop_theme) else: try: style_settings.set_property("gtk-theme-name", self.theme_name) except: style_settings.set_property("gtk-theme-name", desktop_theme) def changeOrientation( self, *args, **kargs ): if self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.UP or self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.DOWN: tmpbox = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL ) self.systemlabel.set_angle( 0 ) self.button_box.reorder_child( self.button_icon, 0 ) self.button_icon.set_padding( 5, 0 ) elif self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.LEFT: tmpbox = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) self.systemlabel.set_angle( 270 ) self.button_box.reorder_child( self.button_icon, 0 ) self.button_icon.set_padding( 0, 5 ) elif self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.RIGHT: tmpbox = Gtk.Box( orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL ) self.systemlabel.set_angle( 90 ) self.button_box.reorder_child( self.button_icon, 1 ) self.button_icon.set_padding( 0, 5 ) tmpbox.set_homogeneous( False ) # reparent all the hboxes to the new tmpbox for i in self.button_box: i.reparent( tmpbox ) self.button_box.destroy() self.button_box = tmpbox self.button_box.show() # this call makes sure width stays intact self.updateButton() self.applet.add( self.button_box ) def updateButton( self ): self.systemlabel.set_text( self.buttonText ) self.button_icon.clear() self.do_image(self.buttonIcon, False) self.sizeButton() def bind_hot_key (self): try: if self.hotkeyText != "": self.keybinder.grab( self.hotkeyText ) self.keybinder.connect("activate", self.onBindingPress) self.keybinder.start() # Binding menu to hotkey print "Binding to Hot Key: " + self.hotkeyText except Exception, cause: print "** WARNING ** - Menu Hotkey Binding Error" print "Error Report :\n", str(cause) pass def hotkeyChanged (self, schema, key): self.hotkeyText = self.settings.get_string( "hot-key" ) self.keybinder.rebind(self.hotkeyText) def sizeButton( self ): if self.hideIcon: self.button_icon.hide() else: self.button_icon.show() # This code calculates width and height for the button_box # and takes the orientation in account bi_req = self.button_icon.size_request() sl_req = self.systemlabel.size_request() if self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.UP or self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.DOWN: if self.hideIcon: self.applet.set_size_request( sl_req.width + 2, bi_req.height ) else: self.applet.set_size_request( sl_req.width + bi_req.width + 5, bi_req.height ) else: if self.hideIcon: self.applet.set_size_request( bi_req.width, sl_req.height + 2 ) else: self.applet.set_size_request( bi_req.width, sl_req.height + bi_req.height + 5 ) def reloadSettings( self, *args ): self.loadSettings() self.updateButton() def showAboutDialog( self, action, userdata = None ): about = Gtk.AboutDialog() about.set_name("mintMenu") import commands version = commands.getoutput("/usr/lib/linuxmint/common/version.py mintmenu") about.set_version(version) try: h = open('/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL','r') s = h.readlines() gpl = "" for line in s: gpl += line h.close() about.set_license(gpl) except Exception, detail: print detail about.set_comments( _("Advanced MATE Menu") ) # about.set_authors( ["Clement Lefebvre ", "Lars-Peter Clausen "] ) about.set_translator_credits(("translator-credits") ) #about.set_copyright( _("Based on USP from S.Chanderbally") ) about.set_logo( GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file("/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintMenu/icon.svg") ) about.connect( "response", lambda dialog, r: dialog.destroy() ) about.show() def showPreferences( self, action, userdata = None ): # Execute( "mateconf-editor /apps/mintMenu" ) Execute( os.path.join( PATH, "mintMenuConfig.py" ) ) def showMenuEditor( self, action, userdata = None ): Execute( "mozo" ) def showMenu( self, widget=None, event=None ): if event == None or event.button == 1: self.toggleMenu() # show right click menu elif event.button == 3: self.create_menu() # allow middle click and drag elif event.button == 2: self.mainwin.hide() def toggleMenu( self ): if self.applet.get_style_context().get_state() & Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED: self.mainwin.hide() else: self.positionMenu() self.mainwin.show() self.wakePlugins() def wakePlugins( self ): self.mainwin.wakePlugins() def positionMenu( self ): # Get our own dimensions & position ourWidth = self.mainwin.window.get_size()[0] ourHeight = self.mainwin.window.get_size()[1] + self.mainwin.offset x = c_int() y = c_int() # Get the dimensions/position of the widgetToAlignWith entryX = self.applet.get_window().get_origin().x entryY = self.applet.get_window().get_origin().y entryWidth, entryHeight = self.applet.get_allocation().width, self.applet.get_allocation().height entryHeight = entryHeight + self.mainwin.offset # Get the screen dimensions screenHeight = Gdk.Screen.height() screenWidth = Gdk.Screen.width() if self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.UP or self.applet.get_orient() == MatePanelApplet.AppletOrient.DOWN: if entryX + ourWidth < screenWidth or entryX + entryWidth / 2 < screenWidth / 2: # Align to the left of the entry newX = entryX else: # Align to the right of the entry newX = entryX + entryWidth - ourWidth if entryY + entryHeight / 2 < screenHeight / 2: # Align to the bottom of the entry newY = entryY + entryHeight else: newY = entryY - ourHeight else: if entryX + entryWidth / 2 < screenWidth / 2: # Align to the left of the entry newX = entryX + entryWidth else: # Align to the right of the entry newX = entryX - ourWidth if entryY + ourHeight < screenHeight or entryY + entryHeight / 2 < screenHeight / 2: # Align to the bottom of the entry newY = entryY else: newY = entryY - ourHeight + entryHeight # -"Move window" self.mainwin.window.move( newX, newY ) # this callback is to create a context menu def create_menu(self): action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup(name="context-menu") action = Gtk.Action(name="MintMenuPrefs", label=_("Preferences"), tooltip=None, stock_id="gtk-preferences") action.connect("activate", self.showPreferences) action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action(name="MintMenuEdit", label=_("Edit menu"), tooltip=None, stock_id="gtk-edit") action.connect("activate", self.showMenuEditor) action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action(name="MintMenuReload", label=_("Reload plugins"), tooltip=None, stock_id="gtk-refresh") action.connect("activate", self.mainwin.RegenPlugins) action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action(name="MintMenuAbout", label=_("About"), tooltip=None, stock_id="gtk-about") action.connect("activate", self.showAboutDialog) action_group.add_action(action) action_group.set_translation_domain ("mintmenu") xml = os.path.join( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ )), "popup.xml" ) self.applet.setup_menu_from_file(xml, action_group) def detect_desktop_environment (self): self.de = "mate" try: de = os.environ["XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"].lower() if de in ["gnome", "gnome-shell", "mate", "kde", "xfce"]: self.de = de elif de in ['cinnamon', 'x-cinnamon']: self.de = 'cinnamon' else: if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/caja"): self.de = "mate" elif os.path.exists("/usr/bin/thunar"): self.de = "xfce" except Exception, detail: print detail def applet_factory( applet, iid, data ): MenuWin( applet, iid ) applet.show() return True def quit_all(widget): Gtk.main_quit() sys.exit(0) MatePanelApplet.Applet.factory_main("MintMenuAppletFactory", True, MatePanelApplet.Applet.__gtype__, applet_factory, None)