import gtk import import sys import os import gobject import datetime import gconf import fcntl import pango from execute import Execute from easygconf import * from easyfiles import * from easybuttons import * class pluginclass: """This is the main class for the plugin""" """It MUST be named pluginclass""" def __init__( self, mintMenuWin, toggleButton ): self.Win = mintMenuWin self.toggleButton = toggleButton #The Glade file for the plugin self.gladefile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), "" ) #Read GLADE file self.wTree = self.gladefile, "window1" ) #Set 'window' property for the plugin (Must be the root widget) self.window = self.wTree.get_widget( "window1" ) #Set 'heading' property for plugin self.heading = _("Recent documents") #This should be the first item added to the window in glade self.content_holder = self.wTree.get_widget( "eventbox1" ) #Specify plugin width self.width = 250 #Plugin icon self.icon = 'gnome-folder.png' self.gconf_dir = '/apps/mintMenu/plugins/recent' self.client = gconf.client_get_default() self.client.add_dir( '/apps/mintMenu/plugins/recent', gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE ) self.client.notify_add( '/apps/mintMenu/plugins/recent/height', self.RegenPlugin ) self.client.notify_add( '/apps/mintMenu/plugins/recent/width', self.RegenPlugin ) self.client.notify_add( '/apps/mintMenu/plugins/recent/num_recent_docs_to_show', self.RegenPlugin ) self.client.notify_add( '/apps/mintMenu/plugins/recent/recent_font_size', self.RegenPlugin ) self.FileList=[] self.RecManagerInstance = gtk.recent_manager_get_default() self.RecManagerInstance.connect("changed",self.DoRecent) self.RegenPlugin() self.wTree.get_widget( "RecentTabs" ).set_current_page(1) #Connect event handlers dic = { "on_ClrBtn_clicked" : self.clrmenu} self.wTree.signal_autoconnect( dic ) def wake (self) : pass def RegenPlugin( self, *args, **kargs ): self.GetGconfEntries() def GetGconfEntries( self ): self.gconf = EasyGConf( "/apps/mintMenu/plugins/recent/" ) self.recenth = self.gconf.get( 'int', 'height', 385 ) self.recentw = self.gconf.get( 'int', 'width', 250 ) self.numentries = self.gconf.get( 'int', 'num_recent_docs_to_show', 10 ) self.recentfontsize = self.gconf.get( 'int', 'recent_font_size', 9 ) # Hide vertical dotted separator self.hideseparator = self.gconf.get( "bool", "hide_separator", False ) # Plugin icon self.icon = self.gconf.get( "string", 'icon', "gnome-fs-directory" ) # Allow plugin to be minimized to the left plugin pane self.sticky = self.gconf.get( "bool", "sticky", False ) self.minimized = self.gconf.get( "bool", "minimized", False ) self.RebuildPlugin() def SetHidden( self, state ): if state == True: self.gconf.set( "bool", "minimized", True ) else: self.gconf.set( "bool", "minimized", False ) def RebuildPlugin(self): self.content_holder.set_size_request(self.recentw, self.recenth ) self.DoRecent() def DoRecent( self, *args, **kargs ): for i in self.wTree.get_widget( "RecentBox" ).get_children(): i.destroy() self.wTree.get_widget( "vbox1" ).set_size_request( self.recentw, self.recenth ) if len( self.wTree.get_widget( "RecentBox" ).get_children() ) < self.numentries: n=len( self.wTree.get_widget( "RecentBox" ).get_children() )-1 else: n=self.numentries-1 while n >= 0: self.wTree.get_widget( "RecentBox" ).remove( self.wTree.get_widget( "RecentBox" ).get_children()[n] ) n-=1 self.FileList, self.IconList = self.GetRecent() loc = 0 for Name in self.FileList: if Name != None: self.AddRecentBtn( Name, self.IconList[loc] ) loc = loc + 1 return True def clrmenu(self, *args, **kargs): self.RecManagerInstance.purge_items() self.DoRecent() return def AddRecentBtn( self, Name, RecentImage ): DispName=os.path.basename( Name ) AButton = gtk.Button( "", "ok", True ) AButton.remove( AButton.get_children()[0] ) AButton.set_size_request( 200, -1 ) AButton.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_NONE ) AButton.connect( "clicked", self.callback, Name ) Align1 = gtk.Alignment( 0, 0.5, 0, 0 ) Align1.set_padding( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) HBox1 = gtk.HBox( False, 5 ) VBox1 = gtk.VBox( False, 2 ) Label1 = gtk.Label( DispName ) Label1.set_size_request( AButton.size_request()[0]-20, -1 ) Label1.set_ellipsize( pango.ELLIPSIZE_END ) VBox1.add( Label1 ) ButtonIcon = gtk.Image() ButtonIcon.set_from_pixbuf(RecentImage) HBox1.add( ButtonIcon ) HBox1.add( VBox1 ) Align1.add( HBox1 ) AButton.add( Align1 ) self.wTree.get_widget( "RecentBox" ).pack_start( AButton, False, True, 0 ) def callback(self, widget, filename=None): self.Win.hide() x = os.system("gnome-open \""+filename+"\"") if x == 256: dia = gtk.Dialog('File not found!', None, #the toplevel wgt of your app gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, #binary flags or'ed together ("Ok", 77)) dia.vbox.pack_start(gtk.Label('The location or file could not be found!')) dia.vbox.show_all() result = if result == 77: dia.destroy() def GetRecent(self, *args, **kargs): FileString=[] IconString=[] RecentInfo=self.RecManagerInstance.get_items() # print RecentInfo[0].get_icon(gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) count=0 MaxEntries=self.numentries if self.numentries == -1: MaxEntries=len(RecentInfo) for items in RecentInfo: FileString.append(items.get_uri_display()) IconString.append(items.get_icon(gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) count+=1 if count >= MaxEntries: break return FileString, IconString def ButtonClicked( self, widget, event, Exec ): self.press_x = event.x self.press_y = event.y self.Exec = Exec def ButtonReleased( self, w, ev, ev2 ): if ev.button == 1: if not hasattr( self, "press_x" ) or \ not w.drag_check_threshold( int( self.press_x ), int( self.press_y ), int( ev.x ), int( ev.y ) ): if self.Win.pinmenu == False: self.Win.wTree.get_widget( "window1" ).hide() if "applications" in self.Win.plugins: self.Win.plugins["applications"].wTree.get_widget( "entry1" ).grab_focus() Execute( w, self.Exec ) def do_plugin(self): self.DoRecent()