#!/usr/bin/env python import gtk import gtk.glade import gobject import os import gconf import fnmatch import time import string import gettext import gnomevfs import threading import commands import subprocess from easybuttons import * from execute import Execute from easygconf import EasyGConf from easyfiles import * from filemonitor import monitor as filemonitor #import xdg.Menu import gmenu from user import home # i18n gettext.install("mintmenu", "/usr/share/linuxmint/locale") # Evil patching #def xdgParsePatched(filename=None): # # conver to absolute path # if filename and not os.path.isabs(filename): # filename = xdg.Menu.__getFileName(filename) # # # use default if no filename given # if not filename: # filename = xdg.Menu.__getFileName("applications.menu") # # if not filename: # raise xdg.Menu.ParsingError(_("File not found"), "/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu") # # # check if it is a .menu file # if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == ".menu": # raise xdg.Menu.ParsingError(_("Not a .menu file"), filename) # # # create xml parser # try: # doc = xdg.Menu.xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename) # except xdg.Menu.xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: # raise xdg.Menu.ParsingError(_("Not a valid .menu file"), filename) # # # parse menufile # xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"] = "" # xdg.Menu.tmp["mergeFiles"] = [] # xdg.Menu.tmp["DirectoryDirs"] = [] # xdg.Menu.tmp["cache"] = xdg.Menu.MenuEntryCache() # # xdg.Menu.__parse(doc, filename, xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"]) # xdg.Menu.__parsemove(xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"]) # xdg.Menu.__postparse(xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"]) # # xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"].Doc = doc # xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"].Filename = filename # # # generate the menu # xdg.Menu.__genmenuNotOnlyAllocated(xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"]) # xdg.Menu.__genmenuOnlyAllocated(xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"]) # # # and finally sort # xdg.Menu.sort(xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"]) # xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"].Files = xdg.Menu.tmp["mergeFiles"] + [ xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"].Filename ] # return xdg.Menu.tmp["Root"] # #xdg.Menu.parse = xdgParsePatched # Helper function for retrieving the user's location for storing new or modified menu items def get_user_item_path(): item_dir = None if os.environ.has_key('XDG_DATA_HOME'): item_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'], 'applications') else: item_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.local', 'share', 'applications') if not os.path.isdir(item_dir): os.makedirs(item_dir) return item_dir def get_system_item_paths(): item_dir = None if os.environ.has_key('XDG_DATA_DIRS'): item_dirs = os.environ['XDG_DATA_DIRS'].split(":") else: item_dirs = [os.path.join('usr', 'share')] return item_dirs def rel_path(target, base=os.curdir): if not os.path.exists(target): raise OSError, 'Target does not exist: '+target if not os.path.isdir(base): raise OSError, 'Base is not a directory or does not exist: '+base base_list = (os.path.abspath(base)).split(os.sep) target_list = (os.path.abspath(target)).split(os.sep) for i in range(min(len(base_list), len(target_list))): if base_list[i] <> target_list[i]: break else: i += 1 rel_list = [os.pardir] * (len(base_list)-i) + target_list[i:] return os.path.join(*rel_list) class Menu: def __init__( self, MenuToLookup ): self.tree = gmenu.lookup_tree( MenuToLookup ) self.directory = self.tree.get_root_directory() def getMenus( self, parent=None ): if parent == None: #gives top-level "Applications" item yield self.tree.root else: for menu in parent.get_contents(): if menu.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_DIRECTORY and self.__isVisible( menu ): yield menu def getItems( self, menu ): for item in menu.get_contents(): if item.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_ENTRY and item.get_desktop_file_id()[-19:] != '-usercustom.desktop' and self.__isVisible( item ): yield item def __isVisible( self, item ): if item.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_ENTRY: return not ( item.get_is_excluded() or item.get_is_nodisplay() ) if item.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_DIRECTORY and len( item.get_contents() ): return True class SuggestionButton ( gtk.Button ): def __init__( self, iconName, iconSize, label ): gtk.Button.__init__( self ) iconSize = self.get_icon_size(iconSize) self.iconName = iconName self.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_NONE ) self.set_size_request( 10, 10 ) Align1 = gtk.Alignment( 0, 0.5, 1.0, 0 ) HBox1 = gtk.HBox() labelBox = gtk.VBox( False, 2 ) self.image = gtk.Image() self.image.set_from_stock( self.iconName, iconSize ) self.image.show() HBox1.pack_start( self.image, False, False, 5 ) self.label = gtk.Label() self.label.set_ellipsize( pango.ELLIPSIZE_END ) self.label.set_alignment( 0.0, 1.0 ) self.label.show() labelBox.pack_start( self.label ) labelBox.show() HBox1.pack_start( labelBox ) HBox1.show() Align1.add( HBox1 ) Align1.show() self.add( Align1 ) self.show() def get_icon_size (self, iconSize): if isinstance(iconSize, int): if iconSize >= 4: iconSize = gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG elif iconSize == 3: iconSize = gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND elif iconSize == 2: iconSize = gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON elif iconSize == 1: iconSize = gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU return iconSize def set_text( self, text): self.label.set_text(text) def set_icon_size (self, size): size = self.get_icon_size(size) self.image.set_from_stock( self.iconName, size ) class pluginclass( object ): TARGET_TYPE_TEXT = 80 toButton = [ ( "text/uri-list", 0, TARGET_TYPE_TEXT ) ] TARGET_TYPE_FAV = 81 toFav = [ ( "FAVORITES", gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, TARGET_TYPE_FAV ), ( "text/plain", 0, 100 ), ( "text/uri-list", 0, 101 ) ] fromFav = [ ( "FAVORITES", gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, TARGET_TYPE_FAV ) ] def __init__( self, mintMenuWin, toggleButton ): self.mintMenuWin = mintMenuWin self.mainMenus = [ ] self.toggleButton = toggleButton # The Glade file for the plugin self.gladefile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), "applications.glade" ) # Read GLADE file self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML( self.gladefile, "mainWindow" ) self.searchEntry = self.wTree.get_widget( "searchEntry" ) self.searchButton = self.wTree.get_widget( "searchButton" ) self.showAllAppsButton = self.wTree.get_widget( "showAllAppsButton" ) self.showFavoritesButton = self.wTree.get_widget( "showFavoritesButton" ) self.applicationsBox = self.wTree.get_widget( "applicationsBox" ) self.categoriesBox = self.wTree.get_widget( "categoriesBox" ) self.favoritesBox = self.wTree.get_widget( "favoritesBox" ) self.applicationsScrolledWindow = self.wTree.get_widget( "applicationsScrolledWindow" ) #i18n self.wTree.get_widget("searchLabel").set_text("" + _("Filter:") + "") self.wTree.get_widget("searchLabel").set_use_markup(True) self.wTree.get_widget("label6").set_text("" + _("Favorites") + "") self.wTree.get_widget("label6").set_use_markup(True) self.wTree.get_widget("label7").set_text(_("All applications")) self.wTree.get_widget("label2").set_text("" + _("All applications") + "") self.wTree.get_widget("label2").set_use_markup(True) self.wTree.get_widget("label3").set_text(_("Favorites")) self.numApps = 0 # These properties are NECESSARY to maintain consistency # Set 'window' property for the plugin (Must be the root widget) self.window = self.wTree.get_widget( "mainWindow" ) # Set 'heading' property for plugin self.heading = _("Applications") # This should be the first item added to the window in glade self.content_holder = self.wTree.get_widget( "Applications" ) # Items to get custom colors self.itemstocolor = [ self.wTree.get_widget( "viewport1" ), self.wTree.get_widget( "viewport2" ), self.wTree.get_widget( "viewport3" ), self.wTree.get_widget( "notebook2" ) ] # Unset all timers self.filterTimer = None self.menuChangedTimer = None # Hookup for text input self.content_holder.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyPress ) self.favoritesBox.connect( "drag_data_received", self.ReceiveCallback ) self.favoritesBox.drag_dest_set( gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, self.toButton, gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY ) self.showFavoritesButton.connect( "drag_data_received", self.ReceiveCallback ) self.showFavoritesButton.drag_dest_set( gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, self.toButton, gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY ) self.searchButton.connect( "button_release_event", self.SearchWithButton ) self.gconfHandlers = [] # Gconf stuff self.gconf = EasyGConf( "/apps/mintMenu/plugins/applications/" ) self.GetGconfEntries() self.gconf.notifyAdd( "icon_size", self.changeIconSize ) self.gconf.notifyAdd( "favicon_size", self.changeFavIconSize ) self.gconf.notifyAdd( "height", self.changePluginSize ) self.gconf.notifyAdd( "width", self.changePluginSize ) self.gconf.notifyAdd( "categories_mouse_over", self.changeCategoriesMouseOver ) self.gconf.notifyAdd( "swap_generic_name", self.changeSwapGenericName ) self.gconf.notifyAdd( "show_category_icons", self.changeShowCategoryIcons ) self.gconf.notifyAdd( "show_application_comments", self.changeShowApplicationComments ) self.gconf.notifyAdd( "fav_cols", self.changeFavCols ) self.gconf.bindGconfEntryToVar( "int", "category_hover_delay", self, "categoryhoverdelay" ) self.gconf.bindGconfEntryToVar( "bool", "do_not_filter", self, "donotfilterapps" ) self.gconf.bindGconfEntryToVar( "string", "search_command", self, "searchtool" ) self.gconf.bindGconfEntryToVar( "int", "default_tab", self, "defaultTab" ) self.currentFavCol = 0 self.favorites = [] self.content_holder.set_size_request( self.width, self.height ) self.categoriesBox.set_size_request( self.width / 3, -1 ) self.applicationsBox.set_size_request( self.width / 2, -1 ) self.buildingButtonList = False self.stopBuildingButtonList = False self.categoryList = [] self.applicationList = [] self.menuFileMonitors = [] self.rebuildLock = False self.activeFilter = (1, "") self.adminMenu = None for mainitems in [ "applications.menu", "settings.menu" ]: mymenu = Menu( mainitems ) mymenu.tree.add_monitor( self.menuChanged, None ) #for f in mymenu.directory.Files: # self.menuFileMonitors.append( filemonitor.addMonitor(f, self.onMenuChanged, mymenu.directory.Filename ) ) #for f in mymenu.directory.AppDirs: # self.menuFileMonitors.append( filemonitor.addMonitor(f, self.onMenuChanged, mymenu.directory.Filename ) ) sizeIcon = 0 if isinstance(self.iconSize, int): if self.iconSize >= 4: sizeIcon = gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG elif self.iconSize == 3: sizeIcon = gtk.ICON_SIZE_DND elif self.iconSize == 2: sizeIcon = gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON elif self.iconSize == 1: sizeIcon = gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU elif self.iconSize <= 0: return ( 0, 0 ) #sizeIcon = gtk.icon_size_lookup( sizeIcon ) self.suggestSearchAppButton = SuggestionButton(gtk.STOCK_FIND, self.iconSize, "") self.suggestSearchButton = SuggestionButton(gtk.STOCK_FIND, self.iconSize, "") self.suggestShowButton = SuggestionButton(gtk.STOCK_INFO, self.iconSize, "") self.suggestInstallButton = SuggestionButton(gtk.STOCK_ADD, self.iconSize, "") self.suggestSearchAppButton.connect("clicked", self.search_mint) self.suggestSearchButton.connect("clicked", self.search_apt) self.suggestShowButton.connect("clicked", self.show_apt) self.suggestInstallButton.connect("clicked", self.install_apt) self.get_panel() def get_panel(self): self.panel = None self.panel_position = 0 appletidlist = gconf.client_get_default().get_list("/apps/panel/general/applet_id_list", "string") for applet in appletidlist: bonobo_id = gconf.client_get_default().get_string("/apps/panel/applets/" + applet + "/bonobo_iid") if bonobo_id == "OAFIID:GNOME_mintMenu": self.panel = gconf.client_get_default().get_string("/apps/panel/applets/" + applet + "/toplevel_id") self.panel_position = gconf.client_get_default().get_int("/apps/panel/applets/" + applet + "/position") + 1 def search_mint(self, widget): os.system("/usr/bin/mint-search-portal " + self.suggestion + " &") self.mintMenuWin.hide() def search_apt(self, widget): os.system("/usr/bin/mint-search-apt " + self.suggestion + " &") self.mintMenuWin.hide() def show_apt(self, widget): os.system("/usr/bin/mint-show-apt " + self.suggestion + " &") self.mintMenuWin.hide() def install_apt(self, widget): os.system("/usr/bin/mint-make-cmd " + self.suggestion + " &") self.mintMenuWin.hide() def __del__( self ): print u"Applications plugin deleted" def wake (self) : pass def destroy( self ): self.content_holder.destroy() self.searchEntry.destroy() self.searchButton.destroy() self.showAllAppsButton.destroy() self.showFavoritesButton.destroy() self.applicationsBox.destroy() self.categoriesBox.destroy() self.favoritesBox.destroy() self.gconf.notifyRemoveAll() for mId in self.menuFileMonitors: filemonitor.removeMonitor( mId ) def changePluginSize( self, client, connection_id, entry, args ): if entry.get_key() == self.gconf.gconfDir+"width": self.width = entry.get_value().get_int() self.categoriesBox.set_size_request( self.width / 3, -1 ) self.applicationsBox.set_size_request( self.width / 2, -1 ) elif entry.get_key() == self.gconf.gconfDir+"height": self.heigth = entry.get_value().get_int() self.content_holder.set_size_request( self.width, self.height ) def changeSwapGenericName( self, client, connection_id, entry, args ): self.swapgeneric = entry.get_value().get_bool() for child in self.favoritesBox: if isinstance( child, FavApplicationLauncher): child.setSwapGeneric( self.swapgeneric ) def changeShowCategoryIcons( self, client, connection_id, entry, args ): self.showcategoryicons = entry.get_value().get_bool() if self.showcategoryicons: categoryIconSize = self.iconSize else: categoryIconSize = 0 for child in self.categoriesBox: child.setIconSize( categoryIconSize ) def changeIconSize( self, client, connection_id, entry, args ): self.iconSize = entry.get_value().get_int() if self.showcategoryicons: categoryIconSize = self.iconSize else: categoryIconSize = 0 for child in self.categoriesBox: child.setIconSize( categoryIconSize ) for child in self.applicationsBox: try: child.setIconSize( self.iconSize ) except: pass self.suggestSearchAppButton.set_icon_size( self.iconSize ) self.suggestSearchButton.set_icon_size( self.iconSize ) self.suggestShowButton.set_icon_size( self.iconSize ) self.suggestInstallButton.set_icon_size( self.iconSize ) def changeFavIconSize( self, client, connection_id, entry, args ): self.faviconsize = entry.get_value().get_int() for child in self.favoritesBox: if isinstance( child, FavApplicationLauncher): child.setIconSize( self.faviconsize ) def changeShowApplicationComments( self, client, connection_id, entry, args ): self.showapplicationcomments = entry.get_value().get_bool() for child in self.applicationsBox: child.setShowComment( self.showapplicationcomments ) def changeCategoriesMouseOver( self, client, connection_id, entry, args ): self.categories_mouse_over = entry.get_value().get_bool() for child in self.categoriesBox: if self.categories_mouse_over and not child.mouseOverHandlerIds: startId = child.connect( "enter", self.StartFilter, child.filter ) stopId = child.connect( "leave", self.StopFilter ) child.mouseOverHandlerIds = ( startId, stopId ) elif self.categories_mouse_over and child.mouseOverHandlerIds: child.disconnect( child.mouseOverHandlerIds[0] ) child.disconnect( child.mouseOverHandlerIds[1] ) child.mouseOverHandlerIds = None def changeFavCols(self, client, connection_id, entry, args): self.favCols = entry.get_value().get_int() for fav in self.favorites: self.favoritesBox.remove( fav ) self.favoritesPositionOnGrid( fav ) def RegenPlugin( self, *args, **kargs ): # save old config - this is necessary because the app will notified when it sets the default values and you don't want the to reload itself several times oldcategories_mouse_over = self.categories_mouse_over oldtotalrecent = self.totalrecent oldsticky = self.sticky oldminimized = self.minimized oldicon = self.icon oldhideseparator = self.hideseparator oldshowapplicationcomments = self.showapplicationcomments self.GetGconfEntries() # if the config hasn't changed return if oldcategories_mouse_over == self.categories_mouse_over and oldiconsize == self.iconSize and oldfaviconsize == self.faviconsize and oldtotalrecent == self.totalrecent and oldswapgeneric == self.swapgeneric and oldshowcategoryicons == self.showcategoryicons and oldcategoryhoverdelay == self.categoryhoverdelay and oldsticky == self.sticky and oldminimized == self.minimized and oldicon == self.icon and oldhideseparator == self.hideseparator and oldshowapplicationcomments == self.showapplicationcomments: return self.Todos() self.buildFavorites() self.RebuildPlugin() def GetGconfEntries( self ): self.categories_mouse_over = self.gconf.get( "bool", "categories_mouse_over", True ) self.width = self.gconf.get( "int", "width", 480 ) self.height = self.gconf.get( "int", "height", 410 ) self.donotfilterapps = self.gconf.get( "bool", "do_not_filter", False ) self.iconSize = self.gconf.get( "int", "icon_size", 2 ) self.faviconsize = self.gconf.get( "int", "favicon_size", 3 ) self.favCols = self.gconf.get( "int", "fav_cols", 2 ) self.swapgeneric = self.gconf.get( "bool", "swap_generic_name", False ) self.showcategoryicons = self.gconf.get( "bool", "show_category_icons", True ) self.categoryhoverdelay = self.gconf.get( "int", "category_hover_delay", 50 ) self.showapplicationcomments = self.gconf.get( "bool", "show_application_comments", True ) self.lastActiveTab = self.gconf.get( "int", "last_active_tab", 0 ) self.defaultTab = self.gconf.get( "int", "default_tab", -1 ) # Allow plugin to be minimized to the left plugin pane self.sticky = self.gconf.get( "bool", "sticky", False ) self.minimized = self.gconf.get( "bool", "minimized", False ) # Search tool self.searchtool = self.gconf.get( "string", "search_command", "gnome-search-tool --named \"%s\" --start" ) if self.searchtool == "beagle-search SEARCH_STRING": self.searchtool = "gnome-search-tool --named \"%s\" --start" self.gconf.set( "string", "search_command", "gnome-search-tool --named \"%s\" --start" ) # Plugin icon self.icon = self.gconf.get( "string", "icon", "applications-accessories" ) # Hide vertical dotted separator self.hideseparator = self.gconf.get( "bool", "hide_separator", False ) def SetHidden( self, state ): if state == True: self.gconf.set( "bool", "minimized", True ) else: self.gconf.set( "bool", "minimized", False ) def RebuildPlugin(self): self.content_holder.set_size_request( self.width, self.height ) def checkMintMenuFolder( self ): if os.path.exists( os.path.join( os.path.expanduser( "~" ), ".linuxmint", "mintMenu", "applications" ) ): return True try: os.makedirs( os.path.join( os.path.expanduser( "~" ), ".linuxmint", "mintMenu", "applications" ) ) return True except: pass return False def onShowMenu( self ): if len( self.favorites ): if self.defaultTab == -1: self.changeTab( self.lastActiveTab) else: self.changeTab( (self.defaultTab - 1) * -1 ) else: self.changeTab( 1 ) self.searchEntry.select_region( 0, -1 ) def onHideMenu( self ): self.gconf.set( "int", "last_active_tab", self.lastActiveTab ) def changeTab( self, tabNum ): notebook = self.wTree.get_widget( "notebook2" ) if tabNum == 0: notebook.set_current_page( 0 ) elif tabNum == 1: notebook.set_current_page( 1 ) self.lastActiveTab = tabNum self.focusSearchEntry() def Todos( self ): self.searchEntry.connect( "changed", self.Filter ) self.searchEntry.connect( "activate", self.Search ) self.showAllAppsButton.connect( "clicked", lambda widget: self.changeTab( 1 ) ) self.showFavoritesButton.connect( "clicked", lambda widget: self.changeTab( 0 ) ) self.buildButtonList() def focusSearchEntry( self ): # grab_focus() does select all text, as this is an unwanted behaviour we restore the old selection sel = self.searchEntry.get_selection_bounds() if len(sel) == 0: # no selection sel = ( self.searchEntry.get_position(), self.searchEntry.get_position() ) self.searchEntry.grab_focus() self.searchEntry.select_region( sel[0], sel[1] ) def buildButtonList( self ): if self.buildingButtonList: self.stopBuildingButtonList = True gobject.timeout_add( 100, self.buildButtonList ) return self.stopBuildingButtonList = False gobject.idle_add( self.updateBoxes ) def categoryBtnFocus( self, widget, event, category ): self.scrollItemIntoView( widget ) self.StartFilter( widget, category ) def StartFilter( self, widget, category ): # if there is a timer for a different category running stop it if self.filterTimer: gobject.source_remove( self.filterTimer ) self.filterTimer = gobject.timeout_add( self.categoryhoverdelay, self.Filter, widget, category ) def StopFilter( self, widget ): if self.filterTimer: gobject.source_remove( self.filterTimer ) self.filterTimer = None def Filter( self, widget, category = None ): self.filterTimer = None start = time.time() #print "FILTER" self.applicationsBox.remove(self.suggestSearchAppButton) self.applicationsBox.remove(self.suggestSearchButton) self.applicationsBox.remove(self.suggestShowButton) self.applicationsBox.remove(self.suggestInstallButton) if widget == self.searchEntry: if self.donotfilterapps: widget.set_text( "" ) else: self.changeTab( 1 ) text = widget.get_text() showns = False # Are any app shown? for i in self.applicationsBox.get_children(): shown = i.filterText( text ) if (shown): showns = True if (not showns and os.path.exists("/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintInstall/icon.svg")): self.suggestion = text self.applicationsBox.add(self.suggestSearchAppButton) self.suggestSearchAppButton.set_text(_("Search portal for '%s'") % text) self.suggestSearchAppButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Search portal for '%s'") % text) self.applicationsBox.add(self.suggestSearchButton) self.suggestSearchButton.set_text(_("Search repositories for '%s'") % text) self.suggestSearchButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Search repositories for '%s'") % text) self.applicationsBox.add(self.suggestShowButton) self.suggestShowButton.set_text(_("Show package '%s'") % text) self.suggestShowButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Show package '%s'") % text) self.applicationsBox.add(self.suggestInstallButton) self.suggestInstallButton.set_text(_("Install package '%s'") % text) self.suggestInstallButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Install package '%s'") % text) for i in self.categoriesBox.get_children(): i.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_NONE ) allButton = self.categoriesBox.get_children()[0]; allButton.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_HALF ) self.activeFilter = (0, text) else: #print "CATFILTER" self.activeFilter = (1, category) if category == "": for i in self.applicationsBox.get_children(): i.show_all() else: for i in self.applicationsBox.get_children(): i.filterCategory( category ) for i in self.applicationsBox.get_children(): i.filterCategory( category ) for i in self.categoriesBox.get_children(): i.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_NONE ) widget.set_relief( gtk.RELIEF_HALF ) widget.grab_focus() self.searchEntry.set_text( "" ) self.applicationsScrolledWindow.get_vadjustment().set_value( 0 ) #print u"Filtertime: ", (time.time() - start), "s" # Forward all text to the search box def keyPress( self, widget, event ): if event.string.strip() != "" or event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.BackSpace: self.searchEntry.event( event ) return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down and self.searchEntry.is_focus(): self.applicationsBox.get_children()[0].grab_focus() return False def favPopup( self, widget, ev ): if ev.button == 3: if ev.y > widget.get_allocation().height / 2: insertBefore = False else: insertBefore = True if widget.type == "location": mTree = gtk.glade.XML( self.gladefile, "favoritesMenu" ) #i18n desktopMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Add to desktop")) panelMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Add to panel")) separator1 = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() insertSpaceMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Insert space")) insertSeparatorMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Insert separator")) separator2 = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() startupMenuItem = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_("Launch when I log in")) separator3 = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() launchMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Launch")) removeFromFavMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Remove from favorites")) desktopMenuItem.connect("activate", self.add_to_desktop, widget) panelMenuItem.connect("activate", self.add_to_panel, widget) insertSpaceMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onFavoritesInsertSpace, widget, insertBefore ) insertSeparatorMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onFavoritesInsertSeparator, widget, insertBefore ) if widget.isInStartup(): startupMenuItem.set_active( True ) startupMenuItem.connect( "toggled", self.onRemoveFromStartup, widget ) else: startupMenuItem.set_active( False ) startupMenuItem.connect( "toggled", self.onAddToStartup, widget ) launchMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onLaunchApp, widget) removeFromFavMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onFavoritesRemove, widget ) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(desktopMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(panelMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(separator1) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(insertSpaceMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(insertSeparatorMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(separator2) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(startupMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(separator3) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(launchMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").append(removeFromFavMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenu").show_all() mTree.get_widget( "favoritesMenu" ).popup( None, None, None, ev.button, ev.time ) else: mTree = gtk.glade.XML( self.gladefile, "favoritesMenuExtra" ) #i18n removeMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Remove")) insertSpaceMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Insert space")) insertSeparatorMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Insert separator")) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenuExtra").append(removeMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenuExtra").append(insertSpaceMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenuExtra").append(insertSeparatorMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("favoritesMenuExtra").show_all() removeMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onFavoritesRemove, widget ) insertSpaceMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onFavoritesInsertSpace, widget, insertBefore ) insertSeparatorMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onFavoritesInsertSeparator, widget, insertBefore ) mTree.get_widget( "favoritesMenuExtra" ).popup( None, None, None, ev.button, ev.time ) def menuPopup( self, widget, event ): if event.button == 3: mTree = gtk.glade.XML( self.gladefile, "applicationsMenu" ) #i18n desktopMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Add to desktop")) panelMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Add to panel")) separator1 = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() favoriteMenuItem = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_("Show in my favorites")) startupMenuItem = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_("Launch when I log in")) separator2 = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() launchMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Launch")) uninstallMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Uninstall")) deleteMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Delete from menu")) separator3 = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() propsMenuItem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Edit properties")) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(desktopMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(panelMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(separator1) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(favoriteMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(startupMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(separator2) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(launchMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(uninstallMenuItem) if home in widget.desktopFile: mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(deleteMenuItem) deleteMenuItem.connect("activate", self.delete_from_menu, widget) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(separator3) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").append(propsMenuItem) mTree.get_widget("applicationsMenu").show_all() desktopMenuItem.connect("activate", self.add_to_desktop, widget) panelMenuItem.connect("activate", self.add_to_panel, widget) launchMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onLaunchApp, widget ) propsMenuItem.connect( "activate", self.onPropsApp, widget) uninstallMenuItem.connect ( "activate", self.onUninstallApp, widget ) if self.isLocationInFavorites( widget.desktopFile ): favoriteMenuItem.set_active( True ) favoriteMenuItem.connect( "toggled", self.onRemoveFromFavorites, widget ) else: favoriteMenuItem.set_active( False ) favoriteMenuItem.connect( "toggled", self.onAddToFavorites, widget ) if widget.isInStartup(): startupMenuItem.set_active( True ) startupMenuItem.connect( "toggled", self.onRemoveFromStartup, widget ) else: startupMenuItem.set_active( False ) startupMenuItem.connect( "toggled", self.onAddToStartup, widget ) mTree.get_widget( "applicationsMenu" ).popup( None, None, None, event.button, event.time ) def add_to_desktop(self, widget, desktopEntry): try: # Determine where the Desktop folder is (could be localized) import sys, commands sys.path.append('/usr/lib/linuxmint/common') from configobj import ConfigObj config = ConfigObj(home + "/.config/user-dirs.dirs") desktopDir = home + "/Desktop" tmpdesktopDir = config['XDG_DESKTOP_DIR'] tmpdesktopDir = commands.getoutput("echo " + tmpdesktopDir) if os.path.exists(tmpdesktopDir): desktopDir = tmpdesktopDir # Copy the desktop file to the desktop os.system("cp \"%s\" \"%s/\"" % (desktopEntry.desktopFile, desktopDir)) os.system("chmod a+rx %s/*.desktop" % (desktopDir)) except Exception, detail: print detail def add_to_panel(self, widget, desktopEntry): import random object_name = "mintmenu_"+''.join([random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789') for x in xrange(8)]) new_directory = home + "/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers/" os.system("mkdir -p " + new_directory) new_file = new_directory + object_name # Copy the desktop file to the panels directory os.system("cp \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (desktopEntry.desktopFile, new_file)) os.system("chmod a+rx %s" % (new_file)) # Add to Gnome/GConf object_dir = "/apps/panel/objects/" object_client = gconf.client_get_default() object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "menu_path", "applications:/") object_client.set_bool(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "locked", False) object_client.set_int(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "position", self.panel_position) object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "object_type", "launcher-object") object_client.set_bool(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "panel_right_stick", False) object_client.set_bool(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "use_menu_path", False) object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "launcher_location", new_file) object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "custom_icon", "") object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "tooltip", "") object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "action_type", "lock") object_client.set_bool(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "use_custom_icon", False) object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "attached_toplevel_id", "") object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "bonobo_iid", "") object_client.set_string(object_dir + object_name +"/"+ "toplevel_id", self.panel) launchers_list = object_client.get_list("/apps/panel/general/object_id_list", "string") launchers_list.append(object_name) object_client.set_list("/apps/panel/general/object_id_list", gconf.VALUE_STRING, launchers_list) def delete_from_menu(self, widget, desktopEntry): try: os.system("rm \"%s\" &" % desktopEntry.desktopFile) except Exception, detail: print detail def onLaunchApp( self, menu, widget ): widget.execute() self.mintMenuWin.hide() def onPropsApp( self, menu, widget ): sysPaths = get_system_item_paths() for path in sysPaths: path += "applications" relPath = os.path.relpath(widget.desktopFile, path) if widget.desktopFile == os.path.join(path, relPath): filePath = os.path.join(get_user_item_path(), relPath) (head,tail) = os.path.split(filePath) if not os.path.isdir(head): os.makedirs(head) if not os.path.isfile(filePath): data = open(widget.desktopFile).read() open(filePath, 'w').write(data) break else: filePath = widget.desktopFile pid = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/gnome-desktop-item-edit", filePath]).pid self.mintMenuWin.hide() def onUninstallApp( self, menu, widget ): widget.uninstall() self.mintMenuWin.hide() def onFavoritesInsertSpace( self, menu, widget, insertBefore ): if insertBefore: self.favoritesAdd( self.favoritesBuildSpace(), widget.position ) else: self.favoritesAdd( self.favoritesBuildSpace(), widget.position + 1 ) def onFavoritesInsertSeparator( self, menu, widget, insertBefore ): if insertBefore: self.favoritesAdd( self.favoritesBuildSeparator(), widget.position ) else: self.favoritesAdd( self.favoritesBuildSeparator(), widget.position + 1 ) def onFavoritesRemove( self, menu, widget ): self.favoritesRemove( widget.position ) def onAddToStartup( self, menu, widget ): widget.addToStartup() def onRemoveFromStartup( self, menu, widget ): widget.removeFromStartup() def onAddToFavorites( self, menu, widget ): self.favoritesAdd( self.favoritesBuildLauncher( widget.desktopFile ) ) def onRemoveFromFavorites( self, menu, widget ): self.favoritesRemoveLocation( widget.desktopFile ) def ReceiveCallback( self, widget, context, x, y, selection, targetType, time ): if targetType == self.TARGET_TYPE_TEXT: for uri in selection.get_uris(): self.favoritesAdd( self.favoritesBuildLauncher( uri ) ) def Search( self, widget ): text = self.searchEntry.get_text().strip() if text != "": self.searchEntry.set_text( "" ) self.mintMenuWin.hide() fullstring = self.searchtool.replace( "%s", text ) newstring = fullstring.split() Execute( newstring ) def SearchWithButton( self, widget, event ): self.Search( widget ) def do_plugin( self ): self.Todos() self.buildFavorites() # Scroll button into view def scrollItemIntoView( self, widget, event = None ): viewport = widget.parent while not isinstance( viewport, gtk.Viewport ): if not viewport.parent: return viewport = viewport.parent aloc = widget.get_allocation() viewport.get_vadjustment().clamp_page(aloc.y, aloc.y + aloc.height) def favoritesBuildSpace( self ): space = gtk.EventBox() space.set_size_request( -1, 20 ) space.connect( "button_release_event", self.favPopup ) space.type = "space" self.mintMenuWin.SetPaneColors( [ space ] ) space.show() return space def favoritesBuildSeparator( self ): separator = gtk.EventBox() separator.add( gtk.HSeparator() ) separator.set_size_request( -1, 20 ) separator.connect( "button_release_event", self.favPopup ) separator.type = "separator" self.mintMenuWin.SetPaneColors( [ separator ] ) separator.show_all() return separator def favoritesBuildLauncher( self, location ): try: ButtonIcon = None # For Folders and Network Shares location = string.join( location.split( "%20" ) ) if location.startswith( "file" ): ButtonIcon = "gnome-fs-directory" if location.startswith( "smb" ) or location.startswith( "ssh" ) or location.startswith( "network" ): ButtonIcon = "gnome-fs-network" #For Special locations if location == "x-nautilus-desktop:///computer": location = "/usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop" elif location == "x-nautilus-desktop:///home": location = "/usr/share/applications/nautilus-home.desktop" elif location == "x-nautilus-desktop:///network": location = "/usr/share/applications/network-scheme.desktop" elif location.startswith( "x-nautilus-desktop:///" ): location = "/usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop" if location.startswith( "file://" ): location = location[7:] # Don't add a location twice for fav in self.favorites: if fav.type == "location" and fav.desktopFile == location: return None favButton = FavApplicationLauncher( location, self.faviconsize, self.swapgeneric ) if favButton.appExec: favButton.show() favButton.connect( "popup-menu", self.favPopup ) favButton.connect( "button_release_event", self.favPopup ) favButton.connect( "focus-in-event", self.scrollItemIntoView ) favButton.connect( "clicked", lambda w: self.mintMenuWin.hide() ) self.mintMenuWin.setTooltip( favButton, favButton.getTooltip() ) favButton.type = "location" return favButton except Exception, e: print u"File in favorites not found: '" + location + "'", e return None def buildFavorites( self ): try: from user import home if (not os.path.exists(home + "/.linuxmint/mintMenu/applications.list")): os.system("mkdir -p " + home + "/.linuxmint/mintMenu/applications") os.system("cp /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintMenu/applications.list " + home + "/.linuxmint/mintMenu/applications.list") applicationsFile = open ( os.path.join( os.path.expanduser( "~" ), ".linuxmint", "mintMenu", "applications.list" ), "r" ) applicationsList = applicationsFile.readlines() self.favorites = [] for child in self.favoritesBox: child.destroy() position = 0 for app in applicationsList : app = app.strip() if app[0:9] == "location:": favButton = self.favoritesBuildLauncher( app[9:] ) elif app == "space": favButton = self.favoritesBuildSpace() elif app == "separator": favButton = self.favoritesBuildSeparator() else: if ( app.endswith( ".desktop" ) ): favButton = self.favoritesBuildLauncher( app ) else: favButton = None if favButton: favButton.position = position self.favorites.append( favButton ) self.favoritesPositionOnGrid( favButton ) favButton.connect( "drag_data_received", self.onFavButtonDragReorder ) favButton.drag_dest_set( gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, self.fromFav, gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE ) favButton.connect( "drag_data_get", self.onFavButtonDragReorderGet ) favButton.drag_source_set( gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, self.toFav, gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE ) position += 1 self.favoritesSave() except Exception, e: print e def favoritesGetNumRows( self ): rows = 0 col = 0 for fav in self.favorites: if ( fav.type == "separator" or fav.type == "space" ) and col != 0: rows += 1 col = 0 col += 1 if fav.type == "separator" or fav.type == "space": rows += 1 col = 0 if col >= self.favCols: rows += 1 col = 0 return rows def favoritesPositionOnGrid( self, favorite ): row = 0 col = 0 for fav in self.favorites: if ( fav.type == "separator" or fav.type == "space" ) and col != 0: row += 1 col = 0 if fav.position == favorite.position: break col += 1 if fav.type == "separator" or fav.type == "space": row += 1 col = 0 if col >= self.favCols: row += 1 col = 0 if favorite.type == "separator" or favorite.type == "space": self.favoritesBox.attach( favorite, col, col + self.favCols, row, row + 1, yoptions = 0 ) else: self.favoritesBox.attach( favorite, col, col + 1, row, row + 1, yoptions = 0 ) def favoritesReorder( self, oldposition, newposition ): if oldposition == newposition: return tmp = self.favorites[ oldposition ] if newposition > oldposition: if ( self.favorites[ newposition - 1 ].type == "space" or self.favorites[ newposition - 1 ].type == "separator" ) and self.favCols > 1: newposition = newposition - 1 for i in range( oldposition, newposition ): self.favorites[ i ] = self.favorites[ i + 1 ] self.favorites[ i ].position = i elif newposition < oldposition: for i in range( 0, oldposition - newposition ): self.favorites[ oldposition - i ] = self.favorites[ oldposition - i - 1 ] self.favorites[ oldposition - i ] .position = oldposition - i self.favorites[ newposition ] = tmp self.favorites[ newposition ].position = newposition for fav in self.favorites: self.favoritesBox.remove( fav ) self.favoritesPositionOnGrid( fav ) self.favoritesSave() self.favoritesBox.resize( self.favoritesGetNumRows(), self.favCols ) def favoritesAdd( self, favButton, position = -1 ): if favButton: favButton.position = len( self.favorites ) self.favorites.append( favButton ) self.favoritesPositionOnGrid( favButton ) favButton.connect( "drag_data_received", self.onFavButtonDragReorder ) favButton.drag_dest_set( gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, self.toFav, gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE ) favButton.connect( "drag_data_get", self.onFavButtonDragReorderGet ) favButton.drag_source_set( gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, self.toFav, gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE ) if position >= 0: self.favoritesReorder( favButton.position, position ) self.favoritesSave() def favoritesRemove( self, position ): tmp = self.favorites[ position ] self.favorites.remove( self.favorites[ position ] ) tmp.destroy() for i in range( position, len( self.favorites ) ): self.favorites[ i ].position = i self.favoritesBox.remove( self.favorites[ i ] ) self.favoritesPositionOnGrid( self.favorites[ i ] ) self.favoritesSave() self.favoritesBox.resize( self.favoritesGetNumRows(), self.favCols ) def favoritesRemoveLocation( self, location ): for fav in self.favorites: if fav.type == "location" and fav.desktopFile == location: self.favoritesRemove( fav.position ) def favoritesSave( self ): try: self.checkMintMenuFolder() appListFile = open( os.path.join( os.path.expanduser( "~"), ".linuxmint", "mintMenu", "applications.list" ) , "w" ) for favorite in self.favorites: if favorite.type == "location": appListFile.write( "location:" + favorite.desktopFile + "\n" ) else: appListFile.write( favorite.type + "\n" ) appListFile.close( ) except Exception, e: msgDlg = gtk.MessageDialog( None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, _("Couldn't save favorites. Check if you have write access to ~/.linuxmint/mintMenu")+"\n(" + e.__str__() + ")" ) msgDlg.run(); msgDlg.destroy(); def isLocationInFavorites( self, location ): for fav in self.favorites: if fav.type == "location" and fav.desktopFile == location: return True return False def onFavButtonDragReorderGet( self, widget, context, selection, targetType, eventTime ): if targetType == self.TARGET_TYPE_FAV: selection.set( selection.target, 8, str(widget.position) ) def onFavButtonDragReorder( self, widget, context, x, y, selection, targetType, time ): if targetType == self.TARGET_TYPE_FAV: self.favoritesReorder( int(selection.data), widget.position ) def menuChanged( self, x, y ): # wait some miliseconds because there a multiple events send at the same time and we don't want to rebuild the menu for each if self.menuChangedTimer: gobject.source_remove( self.menuChangedTimer ) self.menuChangedTimer = gobject.timeout_add( 100, self.updateBoxes ) def updateBoxes( self ): # FIXME: This is really bad! if self.rebuildLock: return self.rebuildLock = True self.menuChangedTimer = None self.loadMenuFiles() # Find added and removed categories than update the category list newCategoryList = self.buildCategoryList() addedCategories = [] removedCategories = [] # TODO: optimize this!!! if not self.categoryList: addedCategories = newCategoryList else: for item in newCategoryList: found = False for item2 in self.categoryList: pass if item["name"] == item2["name"] and item["icon"] == item2["icon"] and item["tooltip"] == item2["tooltip"] and item["index"] == item2["index"]: found = True break if not found: addedCategories.append(item) key = 0 for item in self.categoryList: found = False for item2 in newCategoryList: if item["name"] == item2["name"] and item["icon"] == item2["icon"] and item["tooltip"] == item2["tooltip"] and item["index"] == item2["index"]: found = True break if not found: removedCategories.append( key ) else: key += 1 if self.showcategoryicons == True: categoryIconSize = self.iconSize else: categoryIconSize = 0 for key in removedCategories: self.categoryList[key]["button"].destroy() del self.categoryList[key] if addedCategories: sortedCategoryList = [] for item in self.categoryList: self.categoriesBox.remove( item["button"] ) sortedCategoryList.append( ( str(item["index"]) + item["name"], item["button"] ) ) # Create new category buttons and add the to the list for item in addedCategories: item["button"] = CategoryButton( item["icon"], categoryIconSize, [ item["name"] ], item["filter"] ) self.mintMenuWin.setTooltip( item["button"], item["tooltip"] ) if self.categories_mouse_over: startId = item["button"].connect( "enter", self.StartFilter, item["filter"] ) stopId = item["button"].connect( "leave", self.StopFilter ) item["button"].mouseOverHandlerIds = ( startId, stopId ) item["button"].connect( "clicked", self.Filter, item["filter"] ) item["button"].connect( "focus-in-event", self.categoryBtnFocus, item["filter"] ) item["button"].show() self.categoryList.append( item ) sortedCategoryList.append( ( str(item["index"]) + item["name"], item["button"] ) ) sortedCategoryList.sort() for item in sortedCategoryList: self.categoriesBox.pack_start( item[1], False ) # Find added and removed applications add update the application list newApplicationList = self.buildApplicationList() addedApplications = [] removedApplications = [] # TODO: optimize this!!! if not self.applicationList: addedApplications = newApplicationList else: for item in newApplicationList: found = False for item2 in self.applicationList: if item["entry"].get_desktop_file_path() == item2["entry"].get_desktop_file_path(): found = True break if not found: addedApplications.append(item) key = 0 for item in self.applicationList: found = False for item2 in newApplicationList: if item["entry"].get_desktop_file_path() == item2["entry"].get_desktop_file_path(): found = True break if not found: removedApplications.append(key) else: # don't increment the key if this item is going to be removed # because when it is removed the index of all later items is # going to be decreased key += 1 for key in removedApplications: self.applicationList[key]["button"].destroy() del self.applicationList[key] if addedApplications: sortedApplicationList = [] for item in self.applicationList: self.applicationsBox.remove( item["button"] ) sortedApplicationList.append( ( item["button"].appName, item["button"] ) ) for item in addedApplications: item["button"] = MenuApplicationLauncher( item["entry"].get_desktop_file_path(), self.iconSize, item["category"], self.showapplicationcomments ) if item["button"].appExec: self.mintMenuWin.setTooltip( item["button"], item["button"].getTooltip() ) item["button"].connect( "button-release-event", self.menuPopup ) item["button"].connect( "focus-in-event", self.scrollItemIntoView ) item["button"].connect( "clicked", lambda w: self.mintMenuWin.hide() ) if self.activeFilter[0] == 0: item["button"].filterText( self.activeFilter[1] ) else: item["button"].filterCategory( self.activeFilter[1] ) sortedApplicationList.append( ( item["button"].appName.upper(), item["button"] ) ) self.applicationList.append( item ) else: item["button"].destroy() sortedApplicationList.sort() for item in sortedApplicationList: self.applicationsBox.pack_start( item[1], False ) self.rebuildLock = False # Reload the menufiles from the filesystem def loadMenuFiles( self ): self.menuFiles = [] for mainitems in [ "applications.menu", "settings.menu" ]: self.menuFiles.append( Menu( mainitems) ) # Build a list of all categories in the menu ( [ { "name", "icon", tooltip" } ] def buildCategoryList( self ): newCategoryList = [ { "name": _("All"), "icon": self.mintMenuWin.icon, "tooltip": _("Show all applications"), "filter":"", "index": 0 } ] num = 1 for menu in self.menuFiles: for child in menu.directory.get_contents(): if child.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_DIRECTORY: icon = str(child.icon) #if (icon == "preferences-system"): # self.adminMenu = child.name #if (icon != "applications-system" and icon != "applications-other"): newCategoryList.append( { "name": child.name, "icon": child.icon, "tooltip": child.name, "filter": child.name, "index": num } ) num += 1 return newCategoryList # Build a list containing the DesktopEntry object and the category of each application in the menu def buildApplicationList( self ): newApplicationsList = [] def find_applications_recursively(app_list, directory, catName): for item in directory.get_contents(): if item.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_ENTRY: print "=======>>> " + str(item.name) + " = " + str(catName) app_list.append( { "entry": item, "category": catName } ) elif item.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_DIRECTORY: find_applications_recursively(app_list, item, catName) for menu in self.menuFiles: directory = menu.directory for entry in directory.get_contents(): if entry.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_DIRECTORY and len(entry.get_contents()): #Entry is a top-level category #catName = entry.name #icon = str(entry.icon) #if (icon == "applications-system" or icon == "applications-other"): # catName = self.adminMenu for item in entry.get_contents(): if item.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_DIRECTORY: find_applications_recursively(newApplicationsList, item, entry.name) elif item.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_ENTRY: newApplicationsList.append( { "entry": item, "category": entry.name } ) #elif entry.get_type() == gmenu.TYPE_ENTRY: # if not (entry.get_is_excluded() or entry.get_is_nodisplay()): # print "=======>>> " + item.name + " = top level" # newApplicationsList.append( { "entry": item, "category": "" } ) return newApplicationsList