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<a name="l1"></a><span class=cF5>                             Sprite Main Menu Help</span><span class=cF0>
<a name="l2"></a>
<a name="l3"></a>Order of elements matters.  They are executed in the order they appear in the 
<a name="l4"></a>side-bar.  You can set the insert point for new elements by click the element in 
<a name="l5"></a>the side-bar and making it RED.
<a name="l6"></a>
<a name="l7"></a>After you create a 3D Mesh, you can edit it by seling it in the side-bar so it 
<a name="l8"></a>is colored RED.  Then, click EDIT-3D-MESH.  A shiftable 3D mesh has a 2D offset 
<a name="l9"></a>to position the origin.  You can convert between shiftable and non-shiftable by 
<a name="l10"></a>editing it with the other command.
<a name="l11"></a>
<a name="l12"></a>You can convert all elements to a BitMap if END is RED in the side-bar and you 
<a name="l13"></a>CONVERT-TO-BITMAP.  Later, you can edit that bitmap by seling it in the side bar 
<a name="l14"></a>so it is colored RED and clicking EDIT-BITMAP.
<a name="l15"></a>
<a name="l16"></a>If you have a 3D icon, you might want to place a background-colored rectangle 
<a name="l17"></a>under the 3D icon, so it hovers above.  Use TRANSFORM-OFF and TRANSFORM-ON.  You 
<a name="l18"></a>will also need to set the Z offset of the icon.  Go to the Edit menu and sel 
<a name="l19"></a>EDIT-AS-TEXT and change the third INT to Z offset.  Good luck.
<a name="l20"></a>
<a name="l21"></a>While inserting vector elements, you can usually press </span><span class=cF2>'c'</span><span class=cF0> to eye-dropper the 
<a name="l22"></a>color under the mouse.  Press </span><span class=cF2>'t'</span><span class=cF0> for transparent.