## Setting up ### C# backend In the `API` folder, copy `appsettings.example.json` to `appsettings.json` and fill out the values. `AccessKey` and `SecretKey` are for the Cloudflare R2 service. Run `dotnet ef database update` and then `dotnet run`. ### Rust backend In the `rust-backend` folder, copy `.env.example` to `.env` and fill out the values. Make sure the JWT secret is the same on both backends. Rust can be installed from . After installation, run `rustup default stable` in the terminal. To start the backend, run `cargo run`. ### Flutter In the `Mobile` folder, copy `environment.example.json` to `environment.json` and fill out the values. Also do this with `.env.example`, copying it into `.env`. Run `flutter run --dart-define-from-file environment.json`.